OK, I'm stuck, no live view on new NVR, but camera is working.

No, I haven't done this.
What will it show me?

I understand this right: You can't see the cam if you access the NVR remotely? No matter how. Well, this would be a different path to do it, which (afaik) does not rely on browsers but is rather dahua intimate. Maybe you discover something that way. In case you try, DON'T install the part for software NVR. But perhaps wittaj already found the cause?
Ok close browser and then open and delete browser cache and all plugins and then log into NVR again and try again.

There might be some conflict and we have to do this from time to time when having a mixture of cameras.
I've done that, but there is no difference. I don't think its in that direction as I have only 1 camera and never use the Edge browser.
At this point it is clearly an issue your computer is having running that add on, so I guess at this point try good ole Internet Explorer?
Yep it is still baked in. Several options to access it in this thread.

Changing the name of the BHO folder is the fastest

Yep it is still baked in. Several options to access it in this thread.

Changing the name of the BHO folder is the fastest

Thanks, @wittaj & everyone else for your help. I will continue tomorrow, but I am calling it at night for now.
Ok, reporting back.
I exhausted the Edge suggestions in the referring thread; nothing got me talking to the NVR.
I uninstalled Pale Moon when I realized I needed the 32-bit version, not 64 bit. The 32-bit didn't work either.

I tried switching to "https" in the NVR but could no longer connect to it. ( I don't really understand this certificate thing, actually).

I forgot I had some virtual machines ( Windows 7 & XP), so I opened those, disabled updates, fired up genuine IE, and installed the plugin.
This time I got a pure white image instead of the camera or the spinny thing from the NVR.
I tried to log directly onto the camera's IP and received a message that the IE8 version I was using was too outdated to connect to the camera.
I tried SmartPSSlite, ( on another PC without IE), and it found the NVR and camera, but It would only show me footage from the camera.
So far, this is the best option as at least it will show me multiple live cameras without having to open each one individually.

One more thing is that on my TV, I can see that the NVR is actually recording camera footage. So I do think this is a browser issue.
This is my only option to search historical footage at the moment.
I'll wait for a few FW updates of the NVR, but the experience suggests BI is the way to go.

I am not looking for suggestions anymore; I have had enough, just reporting back for others' benefit.
Would a hacked firmware chinese market cam cause issues like that with the NVR?
I don't know what hacked cams would cause.
These aren't that. The NVR and camera were bought through @EMPIRETECANDY.
The NVR is seeing the cam and recording it properly. I can see that from the HDMI interface.
The issue is I don't see the camera footage when logged into the NVR directly with a PC on the same Network.
It is the EI version of the NVR, which has just been released, so maybe there are still some FW bugs to iron out.
Do you use SmartPSS to show the camera or to show "the NVR showing the camera"?
I installed smartpsslite.
It found the NVR and the camera's Ip addresses on the Network, which was then added to the default group.
When highlighted the camera in live view I could see the LiveView image.
When I highlighted the NVR I couldn't get an image.
Then when I went into search mode ( after selecting the NVR). I got a little pop-up saying I must at least choose 1 NVR channel.
There was no option in Smartpsslite I could find to do that.
Looks like that is wrong config on IP address. Make sure The NVR has same ip segment of your network.
I have only used smartPSS so far. IIRC I could access the NVR and the cam through it. It isn't set up at the moment but I'll just plug it together...

I get two options: I can access the cam directly through the SmartPSS or I access the NVR through SPSS and see it from there. So here I get to see the cam through SmartPSSlite both ways.
I have only used smartPSS so far. IIRC I could access the NVR and the cam through it. It isn't set up at the moment but I'll just plug it together...

I get two options: I can access the cam directly through the SmartPSS or I access the NVR through SPSS and see it from there. So here I get to see the cam through SmartPSSlite both ways.
I'll try the SmartPSS version.
I just tried smartPSS lite and after installing, it won't start. :confused:
I installed smartpsslite on my son's pc, I have now found out how to select an NVR channel. (My son has configured a right-click to work on the left-side of his mousepad, so I was never right-clicking previously).

Now I see this:
The image is from the cam, and the failure is from the cam's channel in the NVR.

However, in playback mode I get this message, which may mean something to somebody:
I am going to install DSS express. A forum search for this new message error seems to point to SmartPSS being buggy.
OK, it looks like I can get the NVR image through DSS Express, but it was quite a palaver to set up.
But some progress.
Ideally, I just need the client, not the server mode. (I assume that is for cloud service for big clients). But the client download only becomes available after the server is installed.
Perhaps I can delete the server installation later, but for now, I have to see how things are working.