OpenALPR Webhook Processor for IP Cameras

I should have upped the core count. Its a single core VM the service runs on. I'll let it run the rest of the day and if it's not done by the evening I'll increase the cores of that VM to 4 and reload the backup.db file and start over. Throwing more cores at software nearly always helps. :)

Maybe a "Last Seen" on the stats page? You already have pretty good information there.

I'm not sure if you have future plans to lookup VINs from license plates in a future build via an API of some sort. That would be pretty slick. I know there are less and less free services that seems to offer that lookup feature however.
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After 13 hours it was still scraping. So I shutdown the VM, added 4 cores, and started the scraping process again. I'm not sure if it starts over or just picks up where it left off. I don't think the service is multi-threaded though as its still only maxing out one core to 100%.

It does appear to be going faster though as the log is scrolling past much faster than before.
it's not multi threaded so i'm not sure if that will do much. it will pick up where it stops at if the process is cancelled. i'll work on making it faster. the best way to make the process faster is to put the processor.db file on a SSD.

v3.9.0 is out, threshold is set at 30% now, and I tried to make the details panel more visually appealing. granted, I have no eye for design lol.
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After I gave it four cores it finished within an hour. So I bet up it was just nearly completed when I stopped it.

Ill check out the latest version and report back.

Edit: Just downloaded 3.9.0. It displays a little "funny". See here:
Screenshot from 2021-06-24 06-26-17.png

I have to scroll down to see the Statistics and the rest of the cars on the page (this is the top car listing). If I zoom out (less than the default 100%) then I see what I assume is normal:

Screenshot from 2021-06-24 06-28-13.png

Using Chome. So essentially if I am running the default zoom level of 100%, it wants to display strange for some reason. Like it doesn't have enough room to fit the "Statistics" panel on the right side and thinks it needs to put it under the picture.
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Loving the statistics panel! What about an additional statistic in the panel that shows "Total Times seen" so we know the total amount of times the plate has passed through? If the panel is getting too bunched you could probably drop the "processing time" since it's not really relevant.

Another suggestion would be on the "Home page" with the graph to show days of the week (Mon, Tues, etc...) instead of mm-dd-yy with 12am being the start time instead of 00:00. Just to make it more pleasing to the eye.

What you have done with this program is pretty amazing! Truly easy to use.
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v3.11.0 adds "total times seen", adjusting the width of the plate image to show stats side-by-side on smaller screens, and an optimized call to get the statistics.
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I am finishing up the OpenALPR Watchman Agent required settings and I can't find what is supposed to go within the Hostname field. It seems to be a 12 character entry. I found every other required bit of information though. Any hints?
I am finishing up the OpenALPR Watchman Agent required settings and I can't find what is supposed to go within the Hostname field. It seems to be a 12 character entry. I found every other required bit of information though. Any hints?

Screenshot from 2021-06-29 06-32-40.jpg
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Awesome. I thought that might be the value. I think I just overthought it. The scrape function doesn't seem to be working at all at this time. Nothing is showing within the log after pressing Scrape. Using 4.1.1. The plates are being received via webhook though.
make sure you have the web server and debug mode enabled on your agent. i'll add an error message if these aren't turned on so new users will know.
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Awesome. I thought that might be the value. I think I just overthought it. The scrape function doesn't seem to be working at all at this time. Nothing is showing within the log after pressing Scrape. Using 4.1.1. The plates are being received via webhook though.
You need these three things in your alprd.conf file.

web_server_enabled = 1
websockets_enabled = 1
web_server_debug = 1

If you are running your Watchman agent in Docker, then you will have to make changes inside the running container which is a bit trickier.
don't make the changes inside the container, those will get blown away whenever the container gets deleted. mount the volume to your host machine with -v /host/path/:/app/config/then modify the alprd.conf in the /host/path folder on your host machine.
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don't make the changes inside the container, those will get blown away whenever the container gets deleted. mount the volume to your host machine with -v /host/path/:/app/config/then modify the alprd.conf in the /host/path folder on your host machine.
Yup, this is much cleaner.
You need these three things in your alprd.conf file.

web_server_enabled = 1
websockets_enabled = 1
web_server_debug = 1

If you are running your Watchman agent in Docker, then you will have to make changes inside the running container which is a bit trickier.
All 3 are already enabled. None of the plate images are showing either. I would imagine that's also due to this issue.
browse to the agent's web server, should be http://<IP_ADDRESS>:4382 to verify your settings are correct:

make sure that URL with port number matches what is in the endpoint url field on the agent configuration page.. other than that i'm not sure, you might have a network connection issue between the openalpr agent and the processor.
make sure that URL with port number matches what is in the endpoint url field on the agent configuration page.. other than that i'm not sure, you might have a network connection issue between the openalpr agent and the processor.
Yes! I just came across -- OpenALPR Webhook Processor for IP Cameras

"The only thing that confused me a little is on the OpenALPR Watchman Agent setup page. At the top, the endpoint default line text is http(s):/x.x.x.x/webhook "

That's exactly what happened to me.

At this point, the only thing not working is the scrape function unless it runs super slow with minimal log updates.