I'm mounting a camera on the left column of my entry gate. I have already welded the purlin where it will be mounted. It will be solar powered so the solar panels will probably be mounted on the horizontal section at the top. I was originally going to use rigid conduit to run the wires from the solar panel down to the control panel and from the control panel up to the camera and radio which will be mounted on the back side. Now I'm thinking I would like to run the wires inside the pipe instead of using conduit. My question is how would I finish the hole where the wires run through. From the top, I could drill a small hole for the wires and seal it up reasonably well. On the bottom the hole would have to be larger so I can fish the wires out where the control panel is going to be. It is the bottom hole that I am worried about. I'm thinking the bottom hole would have to be about the size of a standard electrical box. Even though it is a farm gate, I would like it to look reasonable and not sloppy. Does anybody have experience finishing pipe like this or opinions on how I can make this a clean install.