And then you have companies that enter the market, leave the market, and return to the market LOL.
Logitech at the time had a decent camera compared to the competition and then just up and got out of that business line and now they are kinda back into it.
In business one has to be
In touch and follow the market trends, talk to your customer base, watch the revenue. I can understand why X product is killed off say a camera. Due to low sales and a company can't be burning cash on a loser product.
On the opposite side of the coin you'll see companies that just come out of no where and take on market share with unbelievable ease.
Think Ring, Blink, Wayze, etc.
All of us know none of the listed brands are even close to any professional / prosumer cameras talked about in this forum and others. But, what they have is great PR, Marketing, ease of use, and modern style. I have no problem with any of the brands I just listed out as in the big picture this drives innovation, increases feature sets, and provides almost anyone some kind of video security.
This in a round about way forces the 1st / 2nd tier vendors to push their wares as we have seen just in the last 24 months.
Just these two companies Dahua / Hikvision have literally brought the video security industry into the 21st century. Anyone who has been in the security field for any length of time knows of all the industries (surprisingly) security is the slowest to adopt, change, and integrate with new technologies.
Does anyone know how long the period it took for a security camera to go from 2 MP to 4 MP???
All of the 1st tier leaders
Literally had and used the same 1980 technology for decades. Never mind talking about seeing a 1/ 1.8" ~ 1 / 1.2" sensors! All of these stupid and greedy shits still offer in 2022 1/ 2.8 ~ 1/2.7" sensors that go right up to 8MP???
So in the big picture I really don't mind companies like Arlow, Ring, Blink, Wayze, entering the market. As this takes away market share from 1st / 2nd tier vendors like Axis, Pelco, Mobotix, Bosch, Sony, Samsung. Chinese companies like Dahua, Hikvision have seen what the market wants and has pushed their engineers to meet that need.
They don't always hit the mark but than again they aren't just sitting around like the other brands I just listed up above offering you 1980 tech or charging you through the roof for sub par capability.
The biggest problem I see with Hikvision is their lack of serious iteration of existing products. Think of something so basic in 2022 like RTMP. On the opposite side is Dahua which seems like every week is coming out with something ground breaking / gimmick.
This company has to offer hands down the most RAM yet every camera has a shit clock??? Given all the RAM and system memory when you ask the camera to fully utilize the features its advertised to have - they just go bonkers???
Dahua / Hikvision you can't invest three dollars on a onboard crystal RTC???? Dahua offer firmware that doesn't cause the Micro SD card to automagically corrupt or cause the hardware to crash its only 2022???