Opinions Please: Stranger Exercises on My Front Porch, Farts, Then Leaves

Here is the transaction with my LE friend:

LE: That's some weird ass shit!
Me: Right?
LE: Case the house for a burglary, I'd say no. My brain thinks: 1. he is nuts and who knows what is going on in his mind. 2. Do they have kids? I'm getting a sexual deviant vibe from this guy. If theory 2 is correct, he lives in the neighborhood.
Me: I think they're older, so likely grown kids.
LE: Then could have been for her (wife).
LE: I don't get the burglar vibe from him. Way he was dressed and mannerisms. I am sticking with my 2 theories.

So, then it progressed into this, as if we didn't need more proof.

LE: Props on them for having good cameras though. Everyone pretty much has a Ring doorbell camera and they never catch shit.
Me: We try telling everyone this. Ring, Nest, Arlo, etc are all shit
Me: My neighbors give me shit for the number of cameras around my house, but they all have a purpose and are better quality than Ring
Me: They make fun until something happens and they come asking for footage.
LE: Exactly! I have 360 coverage and i feel thats not enough.
Me: This is something that happened in my neighborhood over the summer and these are the photos that were posted. (Proceed to share post and photos from my Stranger Danger post.)
LE: Yep typical. Drives me insane. I deal with this shit every incident.
LE: What brand is that? I'm due for an upgrade.

Me: Andy cams.
Me: Send link to PTZ Auto-tracking from Spotter video.
LE: Jesus Christ that's great! Way better quality than Flock.
Me: Sends link to Andy cams on Amazon...

If Ri22o's LE friend assessment of sexual deviant vibe is correct. Maybe the guy was after samplenhold! Too sexy looking for his own good?:p
You weren't in Washington on one cold January 6th day of 2021 were you? :rofl:
Probably standard issue for FBI gubermint goons who are undercover.

@samplehold - I keeed, I keeed :rofl:
This reminds me of a story of a crack head looking dude wearing a backpack ring our doorbell in the morning many years ago one morning. My brother answer the door and the guy quickly apologize and said he was visiting a friend and got the wrong house and then left.

But few months later the same guy ring our doorbell around the same time in the morning again, this time they awkwardly stare at each other for a second and he just turn around and left without saying a word. And we never saw him again after that day. We only have one WiFI camera indoor looking out from the window at that time.
Seems like a lot of effort. @samplenhold What you got in there...?
That is what I am thinking. It's not like we have anything worth organized theft ring. As far as kids, none at home. We are retired and our daughter lives 60 miles away. Next door has three little ones. Across the street has a couple of teens, boy and girl.

I wrote up a statement this afternoon and pulled several still captures and the video I posted here and put it all on a USB stick. Tomorrow morning, I am calling the Constables to report a suspicious person. They will send over the contract deputy, most likely the lady I have delt with before.

I will update with the outcome of that meeting.

@wittaj I had done the Google picture search and came up with this:

  • Adult male about 5’5” tall.
  • Light to medium skinned.
  • Short dark hair, slight scraggly day-old beard growth.
  • Dark non-metallic eyeglass frame with squared off slightly tinted lenses.
  • Grey USGA ball cap with markings:
    • ‘USGA’ on right side.
    • 2018 U.S. OPEN SHINNECOCK HILLS (possibly?) w/Indian headdress insignia.
    • New Era insignia on left side.
  • Red Nautica ¼ Zip Sweatshirt.
  • Black or navy T-shirt under the sweatshirt.
  • Navy or black New Balance running shoes.
  • Black three stripe Adidas Jogging pants. Three white stripes that stop about ¾ of the way down the legs.
  • Watch: Square black face (Apple watch?) with what appears to be a woven strap/band, possible black w/ white stippling.
  • No rings or other jewelry.
  • Fairly large cellphone.
  • Keychain is a Mickey Mouse head.
Just had a visit from our Constables. Two showed up, one was a trainee. They watched the video, looked at some stills, and we had a good discussion.

They said that no one else had reported anything like this. The guy did not look familiar to them. They did not believe that he was casing the house. They feel that he was probably lost/confused and did not think that he was acting a confused part. The amount of time he stayed on the porch, coupled with him looking right into the cams, made them believe that he was not casing the house. They also stated that they have had instances where people had acted similarly due to dementia or Alzheimer's.

They did admonish me for not calling them immediately so that they may have been able to locate him and talk to him. They took my statement and the USB drive for the report.

Well that about sums it up. Their visit has put my wife more at ease now. So that is a good thing.
Must be nice to have police that admonish you for not calling them fast enough when a crime wasn't committed!

What was their explanation of him taking a picture of your house?

Of course nobody else reported anything - they probably don't have cameras like you do. I know from other posts that some have Ring, so that would explain them not getting alerts LOL.

I was half hoping they were going to say that was Jin, heir of the Asian Mob, scouting out vehicles for their next shipment and it was the best images they have ever seen anyone capture and wanted to know what kind of Ring cameras they were :lmao:

Now lets hope that Jeep doesn't go missing!
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But it's difficult to confuse your house with another house unless there are many houses in the neighborhood with multiple cameras installed as well. I thought all the ipcamtalk members houses are odd balls in the neighborhood when it comes to security cameras.

Yeah I am not totally convinced either.

He pulls the keys out and doesn't try them? I would think a confused person would have tried them. He probably didn't because he didn't want to make any noises if someone was inside.

He was on that porch long enough and saw that door to know it wasn't the house he came from.
Just had a visit from our Constables. Two showed up, one was a trainee.

I think the Constable needs to go get a refresher course before he messes up the trainee. :idk:
I still say it was acting...it took me 2-3 reviews to catch the small hints.
I still say it was acting...it took me 2-3 reviews to catch the small hints.

Same. It takes a few times watching to really start to see things.

Maybe Texas is different, but most places, if a crime wasn't committed, the police are not going to waste their time taking a formal statement and taking the USB drive. Maybe they were doing it to appease him, but the skeptic in me thinks there is more to it and they didn't want to alarm him and go to the media.

But many places don't want to have a formal report as it then counts as "statistics" and elected officials like to keep those call numbers as low as they can.
But many places don't want to have a formal report as it then counts as "statistics" and elected officials like to keep those call numbers as low as they can.

That certainly is a factual statement where I live with the Lubbock Police Department.
Now lets hope that Jeep doesn't go missing!
I really doubt he is after my JGC. It is a 2015 model with over 66k on it and another 103k miles toad. This is the kind of cars that get boosted in my neighborhood. Taken this morning at 4am.

I really doubt he is after my JGC. It is a 2015 model with over 66k on it and another 103k miles toad. This is the kind of cars that get boosted in my neighborhood. Taken this morning at 4am.

View attachment 179969

Holy crap. I bet they don't have cameras to see if your guy went by and took photos of their property and farted on their porch.