Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I looked, but cannot find any video of this church incident. The video you posted shows crowds getting pushed back in a street.
So he is posting fake news. By the way these people have been protesting in that area for days now. Why can they not give up some of that space for a couple of hours?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Churchyard? It's a public street. Didn't have enough time? LOL. That is singularly dumb. If you see a LINE of law enforcement moving towards you, and telling you to LEAVE. and you are yards from the White House, do you think it wise to stand around and talk about it? Did you think there was going to be some kind of negotiation??? LOL

Don't comply. Suffer the consequences that would Obviously come. Now I'm supposed to feel some kind of empathy for that level of stupid? Nope.

Your TDS is so triggered by Trump holding a bible that you have completely lost sight of REALITY.
Yes, churchyard. Read the fuQing firsthand account. There was a peaceful setup there instead of firm but polite request to vacate they sent in the troops.

This used to be America...

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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Yes, churchyard. Read the fuQing firsthand account. There was a peaceful setup there instead of firm but polite request to vacate they sent in the troops.

This used to be America...

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Why did they not vacate the area for a couple of hours when requested to do so? They have spent days in that area.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Yes, churchyard. Read the fuQing firsthand account. There was a peaceful setup there instead of firm but polite request to vacate they sent in the troops.
I listened to a FuQing 1st hand account. Most were in Lafayette park, between the White House and the church. This happened FIFTEEN MINUTES before a curfew was taking effect. Were they going to teleport home from where they were? So apparently they were going to ignore a curfew AND ignore directives to LEAVE.

This used to be America...
It still is. :cool: We're just not going to submit to the liberal left and their hypocritical "moral high-ground" arguments and pontificating any more. F that. I will FOREVER support your RIGHT to speak and voice your opinions. Not enough for you? Well, If you want to engage in civil disobedience, then Rock On! :headbang: Don't come bitching afterwards about the consequences you face as a result of those actions.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
What time do the protests start on behalf of this guy?

This is ALL the Lefts fault. They have been pushing the false narrative that America, and especially Republican Whites, are more racist than even pre civil war. This false narrative gets their uneducated and uninformed base riled up.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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This is ALL the Lefts fault. They have been pushing the false narrative that America, and especially Republican Whites, are more racist than even pre civil war. This false narrative gets their uneducated and uninformed base riled up.
Yeah, it's that. The cop killing the black guy on video had nothing to do with it. It's all a false narrative...

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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Yeah, it's that. The cop killing the black guy on video had nothing to do with it. It's all a false narrative...

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So you do not think that there are people taking full advantage of the situation and using this as an excuse to riot, loot and promote their agenda?


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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There are still racists in the country, yes. But the country/system is not racist. The officer was arrested and will go to jail, rightfully so.

You want to protest? Protest about the thousands of innocent black kids getting killed on the south and west sides of chicago every year. Not by cops. Where is the outrage? Do you know any of their names? Don't their lives matter, too?

Again, people who bring race into everything are the racists.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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A good short read..
In Defense Of America
In Defense Of America

Per this data set from the Washington Post, (which reasonably matches FBI data I use in some of my firearms classes), there are approx 750-1000 cases of Law Enforcement lethal force fatalities per year in a population of 320 million. Of that, in 2019, there were 10 black unarmed Police shootings, and 20 white unarmed Police shootings.

Simply put, the data and facts show that Police in America do not just go around routinely killing unarmed Black people.
Last edited:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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In other news, it seems maybe the whole Swedish approach wasn't quite as successful as thought

Man Behind Sweden’s Controversial Virus Strategy Admits Mistakes

"Sweden's mortality rate is 43 deaths per 100,000 - among the highest globally (and more than 2x the US).. Countries which enacted early lockdowns, such as New Zealand, have virtually eliminated the virus. "


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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So you do not think that there are people taking full advantage of the situation and using this as an excuse to riot, loot and promote their agenda?
There are a few, which is why a small number of the protests turned violent. Most protests and protestors are peaceful. Those who aren't are setting back the cause.

But the problem that touched all this off is that black men are much more likely than white men to be killed by (usually white) cops.

So when you have yet another situation, in this case the cop putting his knee on the guys neck for six minutes until he was dead then two more minutes for good measure while three other cops stood by, you should see why black folks in particular might get pissed off.

Jesse makes a good point that we don't hear much about urban violence, which more often than not is black on black. It's tragic that the system leads to this effect. If you have a solution let's hear it.

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Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
There are a few, which is why a small number of the protests turned violent. Most protests and protestors are peaceful. Those who aren't are setting back the cause.

But the problem that touched all this off is that black men are much more likely than white men to be killed by (usually white) cops.

So when you have yet another situation, in this case the cop putting his knee on the guys neck for six minutes until he was dead then two more minutes for good measure while three other cops stood by, you should see why black folks in particular might get pissed off.

Jesse makes a good point that we don't hear much about urban violence, which more often than not is black on black. It's tragic that the system leads to this effect. If you have a solution let's hear it.

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I think we differ on what is peaceful. When protesters go out and block a freeway, that is NOT peaceful. Physically stopping people from going about their business is by definition an aggressive physical act. Protesters have NO RIGHT to stop ANYONE from doing what they want--- EVER. That is a classic ANTIFA maneuver on roads AND sidewalks-- blocking passage and telling people where they Can and Can Not Go--- a truly fascist move on their part in defiance of the Constitution.

Black men are twice as likely to be killed by police unarmed.

As for Black on Black murder-- it isn't the "system" keeping us from hearing about it-- it's the media refusing to fully report on it.
"382 were shot, and 84 killed" --- That was the month of May this year in Chicago. This is a FAR WORSE PROBLEM and people seem not to give a single F.

I would differentiate the way I characterize this though. I don't see it as a RACIAL difference. It's a CULTURAL difference. To say it is racial implies to some that a genetic difference predisposes some to violence. I don't believe that at all, and I think the notion of that is racist at its core. I think that is why the media won't even cover Black on Black crime-- because any analysis of it sounds deeply racist, and the liberal media are not going to go there even in an honest capacity.

Solutions... PEOPLE need to restore VALUE to women as partners, VALUE to Fidelity, Value to MONOGAMOUS Relationships, Value to Marriage and 2-parent households.
I'm not a religious person, but the nation drifting away from churches and morality in personal decision-making has coincided with the lack of a moral compass for too many people. The triad of Church, School, and Home needs to be re-established.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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From my post above

Per this data set from the Washington Post, (which reasonably matches FBI data I use in some of my firearms classes), there are approx 750-1000 cases of Law Enforcement lethal force fatalities per year in a population of 320 million.

Of that, in 2019, there were 10 black unarmed Police shootings, and 20 white unarmed Police shootings.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
There are a few, which is why a small number of the protests turned violent. Most protests and protestors are peaceful. Those who aren't are setting back the cause.

But the problem that touched all this off is that black men are much more likely than white men to be killed by (usually white) cops.

So when you have yet another situation, in this case the cop putting his knee on the guys neck for six minutes until he was dead then two more minutes for good measure while three other cops stood by, you should see why black folks in particular might get pissed off.

Jesse makes a good point that we don't hear much about urban violence, which more often than not is black on black. It's tragic that the system leads to this effect. If you have a solution let's hear it.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
My solution is let the system work and make the corrections if and when necessary. Four police officers were arrested in the George Floyd case and are going through the judicial system. Both the State of Minnesota and the City of Minneapolis are controlled by Democrats which should satisfy you. I know you will try your damdest to somehow blame this on President Trump.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
“June 2, 4:20 p.m. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday afternoon that officers booked 122 individuals into the Santa Rita jail Monday. Of those 122, 82 were “not from Alameda County cities,” and several were not from the area at all. The Sheriff’s Office did not disclose where those individuals came from.

“All together, the 122 people booked into the jail were charged with 382 various felony crimes, “from serious violence, robbery, burglary, looting, pursuits, stolen vehicles, weapons, drugs etc.”


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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“June 2, 4:20 p.m. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday afternoon that officers booked 122 individuals into the Santa Rita jail Monday. Of those 122, 82 were “not from Alameda County cities,” and several were not from the area at all. The Sheriff’s Office did not disclose where those individuals came from.

“All together, the 122 people booked into the jail were charged with 382 various felony crimes, “from serious violence, robbery, burglary, looting, pursuits, stolen vehicles, weapons, drugs etc.”
Should read: "June 2, 4:20 p.m. The Alameda County Sheriff's Office reports 122 thugs and counting in transit to the afterlife at the hands of local officers."


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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“June 2, 4:20 p.m. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday afternoon that officers booked 122 individuals into the Santa Rita jail Monday. Of those 122, 82 were “not from Alameda County cities,” and several were not from the area at all. The Sheriff’s Office did not disclose where those individuals came from.

“All together, the 122 people booked into the jail were charged with 382 various felony crimes, “from serious violence, robbery, burglary, looting, pursuits, stolen vehicles, weapons, drugs etc.”
I'm all for throwing the book at those who commit these felonies. These aren't angels, and their actions detract from the message of the protests.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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My solution is let the system work and make the corrections if and when necessary. Four police officers were arrested in the George Floyd case and are going through the judicial system. Both the State of Minnesota and the City of Minneapolis are controlled by Democrats which should satisfy you. I know you will try your damdest to somehow blame this on President Trump.
Trump and the republican administration has done plenty to harm the cause of black people, but I don't assign a causal link between him and what the officers did. I do blame him for elevating the general level of racial tension through his words and actions. I do blame him for not offering dignity and compassion in the face of the tragedy and I do lay at his feat whatever comes from his photo op at St. Johns.