Known around here
He still has another card to play....Climate Change 

Elites Worried: COVID Cases in India Plummet After Government Promotes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Use | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Coronavirus cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive
Whether Joe is wearing a mask or not, he sounds the same, you can't understand himOf course he dons it, as do all Democrats. Has nobody seen any old movies? The criminals ALWAYS need to wear masks!
CCP Propaganda: 'Fully Vaccinated' Joe Biden Puts His Mask on Outside Standing Next to Two Vaccinated, Masked Democrats (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
This is pure CCP
I need to print this out and start putting copies up everywhere. So great.
So let me get this straight, the World had to lock their citizens up like prisoners' in their own homes, shut down businesses/events/churches, 110,000 Restaurants are now closed, 10s of thousands of businesses are now bankrupt (out of business), huge Unemployment rates and all of this happened because less than 10 thousand actual Covid deaths (5%), instead of the 600 thousand as CDC falsely reported.![]()
WE WERE RIGHT: In August 2020 TGP Reported Per the CDC That Only 6% of All COVID-19 Deaths Were Caused EXCLUSIVELY by the COVID-19 Virus - Today It's Down to 5%! | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
Yes, we were right again. On August 29, 2020, we reported that less than 10,000 Americans died from the China coronavirus (COVID-19) alone, or only 6% of what was being reported. This was based on CDC data we shared in our
So I had to see the numbers in Texas, there has been 51K Covid related deaths reported by the CDC, of which 5% (around 2,500) is Actual Covid deaths. The States motor vehicle traffic fatalities for 2018 & 2019 is around 3,500 per year. So to make this worse, we had a higher chance of dying on our roadways in Texas than death by Covid.So let me get this straight, the World had to lock their citizens up like prisoners' in their own homes, shut down businesses/events/churches, 110,000 Restaurants are now closed, 10s of thousands of businesses are now bankrupt (out of business), huge Unemployment rates and all of this happened because less than 10 thousand actual Covid deaths (5%), instead of the 600 thousand as CDC falsely reported.![]()