Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

there are only 2 explanations... each have a chance of 50%

1) human failure
2) technical error

3) Political reasons to "discredit" the success that DeSantis has had in Florida, ordered by the White House
Questions to ask re the hospitalizations:

What is the average age of those hospitalized?
How many were vaccinated?
How many have pre-existing conditions, particularly obesity and/or diabetes?
How many have pre-existing immune-compromising conditions?
How many have been given proven therapeutic treatments such as IVM or HCQ to accelerate their recovery and release?
What is the rate of flu in the past seasons? What is the rate of flu this summer?
I have one question to add; How many children are on ventilators? From my sources of family/friends working in hospitals, ZERO...why are they even in Hospitals, last year they would of been turned away and sent back home to self quarantine.
Keep in mind the so called Delta variant, no Hospital can even verify it exist.
A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.

Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant | ZeroHedge

The researchers canvassed no fewer than 5 million Americans who responded to surveys on whether they were “probably” or “definitely not planning on getting a COVID vaccine.

The results will shock many.
“More surprising is the breakdown in vaccine hesitancy by level of education,” reports UnHerd.
“It finds that the association between hesitancy and education level follows a U-shaped curve with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated. People with a master’s degree had the least hesitancy, and the highest hesitancy was among those holding a PhD."

The study also reveals that the most common concern for those who are hesitant to take the vaccine is potential side-effects, with a lack of trust in government close behind in second.
The results of the investigation completely debunk the notion, amplified by media narratives, that only “dumb” people are vaccine hesitant.

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For the low-intelligence government official file, in this case the governor of Oregon, some snips from a new story about a new mask mandate: ‘We are all in danger’: Gov. Brown, OHA officials defend mask mandate, vaccination moves

“The science is clear, that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals are able to spread the delta variant,” Brown said Wednesdasy.
Will they ever admit that the "clear science" said something different not too long ago? Notice also the spelling error from the professional journalist.

“Masks are simple, and they are effective. Wearing a mask should give you the confidence that you are not infecting others,” while also offering the “best bet at keeping schools and businesses open.”
Veiled threat.

“Until more people get vaccinated, we are all in danger,” Brown said.
But you just said vaccinated individuals spread the variant.

if 80% of Oregonians comply with the mask requirement, that is likely to cut the number of additional hospital beds needed by half,
Sounds like they work pretty darn well!

“Trust that the vaccines are the best way to keep you out of the hospital.”
But, but, I thought I just read that masks must be the best way.

This variant is three times more contagious, more severe, and is spreading, particularly through our vulnerable populations, very rapidly.
I've been hearing from multiple other sources that if caught, it's less severe.
A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.

Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant | ZeroHedge

The researchers canvassed no fewer than 5 million Americans who responded to surveys on whether they were “probably” or “definitely not planning on getting a COVID vaccine.

The results will shock many.
“More surprising is the breakdown in vaccine hesitancy by level of education,” reports UnHerd.
“It finds that the association between hesitancy and education level follows a U-shaped curve with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated. People with a master’s degree had the least hesitancy, and the highest hesitancy was among those holding a PhD."

The study also reveals that the most common concern for those who are hesitant to take the vaccine is potential side-effects, with a lack of trust in government close behind in second.
The results of the investigation completely debunk the notion, amplified by media narratives, that only “dumb” people are vaccine hesitant.


@bigredfish you've got me looking regularly at ZeroHedge. I added it to my news site bookmarks awhile back thanks to you, good website.
Its mostly an aggregator site. I browse it more for economic and geo-political news but they do cover a lot of angles/sources on the WuFlu
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