Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

That would indicate unvaxxed much more likely to be hospitalized or die ….
That would indicate unvaxxed much more likely to be hospitalized or die ….

that is the truth somehow for the 1st world.. ethiopia study shows that it doesnt count for 3rd world

but its hardly connected with age and lifestyle. Uk is full of unhealthy fat people..

so if you are old, fat, pre existing illnesses (or all together)... then the best is to get vaxxed
but i still dont see why other people should get forced to vax

I was just pointing out for three consecutive weekly reporting periods, more vax'd had infection cases than unvax in most age groups. Stats have continuously showed lower death/Hosp rate among vax'd, not arguing that point.

The real question is why;


Vax being more careless?

Unvax being more cautious?

Natural immunity?

A variation of the virus?
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more vax'd had infection cases than unvax in most age groups

everytime i read studies, i always ask where they get the numbers from.
in most european countries you dont need to test if you are vaxxed. so only people who have symptoms get tested.
also its not clear how many unvaxxed get infected and do not test because they dont have symptoms...
so the numbers might be biased.

The real question is why

because we are talking about individuals. they dont have statistics about their lifestyle, pre exsting (unknown) illnesses , ... comorbidity
they just use age, vaxx status and test results. its clear that a dumbass can find a connection between it with a simple linear regression
after 1,5 years everything is still unclear because they just dont want to know...
I just noticed what you outlined at the bottom sorry.
… “ or have COVID-19 mentioned on their death certificate.”

Also one has to wonder about the math….

I wish there was better reporting and tracking

yeah.. i already wrote it here (no real statistics about their life available) and highlighted it in the screenshots..

It seems that all statistician died from covid. in most european countries it is really easy to have all data, because they already track everything. but they are not allowed to use the data.
in most european countries they didnt even track the age of people who got intensive care.

but again... the UK numbers shows CLEAR that the vax is working great for those who need it. also there are many studies who link covid symptoms to unhealthy living.
also the african study shows it somehow. most in ethiopia are young, no 1st world diseases (diabetes etc), no overweight, .....

it should be really easy to find an answer who need the vax .. just use all variables ... but the governments dont want to do. for whatever reason

In Los Angeles County, you can’t walk inside a restaurant or business without wearing a mask. Pulling up to the drive-thru maskless isn’t a violation, but God forbid you walk inside and spread COVID without a face covering or proof of vaccination.

Blue states have proudly led the nation in retaining COVID-19 mandates that have been outdated since the latter part of 2020. Meanwhile, Texas boasted the fastest economic recovery in the nation and Florida now leads the nation in lowest per capita COVID rates among all continental U.S. states. Only 12 citizens per 100,000 are getting the illness, per the New York Times‘ COVID data.

All made possible without the need for mandates.

OutKick’s Clay Travis tweeted out the revealing numbers, pointing out how COVID mandates put in place have overstayed their welcome as the media parades around their own natural immunity to data.

Florida Reaches Lowest COVID Rate Per Capita Without Need For Senseless Mandates – OutKick
Journalist:puke: Disgraceful "Profession"

Remembering Those Journalists Who Helped Cover for Anthony Fauci’s ‘Gain-of-Function’ Misdirection

A Wednesday letter from top NIH official Lawrence Tabak revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci was wrong — and Senator Rand Paul was right: The NIH did fund gain-of-function viral research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the U.S. research non-profit EcoHealth Alliance.

According to Tabak, a “limited experiment” funded by the NIH, and carried out by EcoHealth Alliance, was conducted to see if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The altered virus made the mice it was tested in “sicker,” according to Tabak’s letter.

Fauci and Paul have sparred over Paul’s contention that the NIH had, through a grant issued to EcoHealth, funded gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Chinese lab. Paul’s argument, that NIH money was used to make bat coronaviruses more dangerous and/or transmissible in humans, has now been confirmed. And Fauci’s argument, that the research being done doesn’t constitute “gain of function” under the NIH’s narrow definition, has been exposed as a semantic trick. The letter also vindicates Dr. Richard Ebright, who told National Review in May that the Wuhan research described in leaked grant proposals “epitomizes” gain-of-function research.

Paul and his argument were pilloried not just by Fauci — “you do not know what you are talking about,” “if anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you!” “…you are entirely and completely incorrect, the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology” — but also by many in the media who reflexively sided with Fauci:

CNN’s Brianna Keilar, May 2021: “Nothing brings out Senator Paul’s propensity to act like an ass like a congressional appearance by Fauci, and that is really saying something. . . . Like Elvis’s Kentucky rain, Rand Paul’s COVID BS keeps pouring down, and it’s enough to fill the swimming pool in the Senate gym.”

Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler, May 2021: “We wavered between Two and Three Pinocchios, but decided on Two, because there still are enough questions about the work at the Wuhan lab to warrant further scrutiny, even if the NIH connection to possible gain-of-function research appears so far to be elusive.” Kessler went on to allege that Paul, not Fauci, had created a “false, misleading impression by playing with words and using legalistic language that means little to ordinary people.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper, July 2021: “I want to start with another kind of misinformation, the constant MAGA media and Republican lawmakers’ attacks on health experts, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci. Today on Capitol Hill, Fauci was confronted with an accusation basically from Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul. . . . I don’t want to get into the details of what Senator Paul was attacking there and all that, but just the bigger picture here as a health professional we keep seeing this. Trump allies in Congress and governors’ offices and the media trying to make Fauci a COVID boogeyman. This is a 40-year public servant, he received the presidential medal of freedom . . .”

MSNBC’s Ari Melber, July 2021, concurring with Fauci’s characterization of Paul’s comments: “Slanderous. Interesting, yeah and I can understand it. These are very serious issues that people are working on.”

MSNBC’s Steve Benen, July 2021: “Rand Paul keeps doing this, apparently under the impression that there’s some value to the pointless exercises. . . . The overarching problem appears to be relatively straightforward: the former ophthalmologist genuinely seems to believe that he has unique and valuable insights, which frees him to reject the assessments of actual experts. . . . Is it any wonder that Anthony Fauci seems exasperated with Rand Paul?”

CNN’s Brian Stelter, July 2021, while flashing tweets from Paul on screen: “These GOP lawmakers’ minds are made up, as they call for Fauci’s resignation, thereby creating more content for GOP TV.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, September 2021: “NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.”

While Tabak took pains to rule out the possibility that the specific research described in his letter spawned COVID-19, citing genetic differences between the viral strains, he also conceded that EcoHealth was not transparent with the NIH. Rather than immediately informing the NIH that they had successfully bound a bat coronavirus to a human receptor, as they were required to, the Wuhan researchers concealed that fact until August 2021, a year and a half into the pandemic.

So, it’s possible that Tabak, Fauci, and their NIH colleagues were simply unaware of what was being done with taxpayer dollars in Wuhan.

Experts like Ebright have been arguing for months that Paul was correct and that Fauci was playing semantic games. Yet our most prominent media personalities ignored them.

CNN’s homepage does not presently acknowledge the letter, instead leading with the story “Liberal Backlash Against Sinema Grows.”

So when will Fauci get charged with lying to Congress? Wanna bet never? The whole thing is a charade, kabuki theatre, and there are never any consequences for deep state denizens.
As you so often correctly point out. "If a leftists' lips are moving, they are lying" :( :mad:

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View attachment 105662

Okay leftist, search far and wide to find honest coverage of this on your beloved MSM. Go ahead, I dare you.

But as will be typical with the corrupt deep state American government nothing will come of one of their own being a liar on a monumental world wide catastrophe.

Just like their MSM has covered for the corrupt Biden family.

NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments | Washington Examiner

NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments | Washington Examiner
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