Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Symptoms will vary from individual to individual. I find it hypocritical that some game venues don't require a negative COVID test and only require proof of vaccination. A vaccinated individual can still be infected but asymptomatic. This begs me to ask, doesn't it feel like the push vaccinations fulfills another agenda. Makes you wonder if its intent is to break down an already strong immune system in order to keep this pandemic going for a little longer. There will always be speculation, but you can't blame the unvaccinated for this pandemic. Its been poorly handled by global leaders they and should be held fully accountable for even bringing politics into the equation, putting citizens last. People have the right to question the numbers. Nobody should be putting full faith in their own elected officials. Look after your own selves, because karma will find its way. ;)

There seems to be debate over whether the Wuhan flu can be spread asymptomatically.

I’m not up on this. So anyone have an opinion to share?
Symptoms will vary from individual to individual. I find it hypocritical that some game venues don't require a negative COVID test and only require proof of vaccination. A vaccinated individual can still be infected but asymptomatic. This begs me to ask, doesn't it feel like the push vaccinations fulfills another agenda. Makes you wonder if its intent is to break down an already strong immune system in order to keep this pandemic going for a little longer. There will always be speculation, but you can't blame the unvaccinated for this pandemic. Its been poorly handled by global leaders they and should be held fully accountable for even bringing politics into the equation, putting citizens last. People have the right to question the numbers. Nobody should be putting full faith in their own elected officials. Look after your own selves, because karma will find its way. ;)
Good points. But my gut says that determining asymptomatic spread is still debatable.
I feel like they (MSM and a group of scientists) have changed their intent in terms of how to get the message across. If asymptomatic spread can still occur with the currently circulating variants, then people may not gather this holiday season. Its one large cohort study :( If they reveal too much information in where we stand currently in this pandemic, the general population may begin to cast a greater doubt in terms of how far we've come, thus lowering the vaccination count in the long term. The "experts" have been contradicting themselves way too many during this pandemic which lead to many to further cast doubt on how reliable and factual the findings are.

I still elect to wearing face coverings in public spaces except for parks and beaches. People in Asia have been wearing masks way before the pandemic. Its been more of a precautionary thing. Do you really want to be standing maskless next to a person that sharted their pants? We should have been wearing face coverings in public spaces years ago :rofl:

edit: I'm waking up this morning with a runny nose. Damn you flu shot :rofl:

Good points. But my gut says that determining asymptomatic spread is still debatable.
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Just curious, does your mask also cover your eyes? Do you possibly have any open cuts? Are your pores open?
How about I just pick one of the above, you can do the rest...

:rofl: I still wear goggles and shower the first thing after I return from the grocery store

Just curious, does your mask also cover your eyes? Do you possibly have any open cuts? Are your pores open?
How about I just pick one of the above, you can do the rest...

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to argue with you. Just like me with mine, you are certainly welcome to do whatever you think is best for you. I'll respect that and defend your right to do just that. We'll just agree to disagree, eh?
Given that the CCP Virus is transmitted primarily as an aerosol, I'm pretty convinced that asymptomatic people can easily transmit it simply because they are breathing. Every exhale is potentially carrying the virus. Seems kind of logical to me, but since when does logic apply anywhere, especially in this pandemic and MSM news environment.

Even an N95 mask is basically useless. It will only filter down to about 65 microns while the CCP virus is under 20 microns. Exactly how can it be effective? There is no factual, scientific, study/evidence, that masks do anything other than cover your face. If masks work "so well" explain why CA and NY have infection rates so high while FL and TX rates are so low. Sure you can argue warmer weather, but what about southern CA where it's warm? They're at the top of the infection rate. Masks are a virtue signal and a placebo that just doesn't work and give politicians a "high" because they can force people to wear them. I've been wearing the same POS blue paper mask for the last two months when I have to wear a mask. On top of that, I'm trying to figure out why I have to wear a mask in the doctors' office but not in the grocery store or Home Depot. Maybe it's only transmissible in doctors' offices as determined by the "experts" at the CDC. Again common sense is totally missing here.
Although getting accurate data is somewhat less likely than me winning the lottery, here is my take on the asymptomatic transmission. We have been told it takes several days for symptoms to appear, but you need to take ivermectin or monoclonal as soon after symptoms (really likelihood of infection) for either to be most effective. So, there will be a period of time when your viral load is ramping up, and impacting your body, and you are probably contagious. A few hours? A day or three? No one knows, I'm betting on a day or two. But, now add in the lesser new variant, that has significantly lesser symptoms, and that time frame increases, in my little mind. Add in the virtue signaling folks who got the shot, the second shot, and three boosters, who are now convinced they can't get the china flu at all, and you have it spreading. And colds are still a thing, so you feel like you have a cold when you really have the latest variant! A friend of mine got covid last year, and two weeks ago got sick and felt exactly the same, same symptoms, everything. But, tested negative several times and got over it in a week or less. False negative and protected because he was vaxxed? Different virus (common cold)?

Who knows? Who cares?

Well, you should and should be doing what you can to ensure the BEST defense you have, your own immune system, is working the best it can be. Heck, all the jab does is try to fool your immune system into working better against it!!
Ah, there will always be common ground between all of us :D If I run around the store naked that would be my problem, nobody else's problem. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions. Whatever happens to us, is because of us. We are fully accountable for our own actions. Nobody should use the government as a crutch. If the current state of government is defective, people will eventually stand up thanks to democracy and that is slowly happening as we speak :) Poor governance leads to poor ramifications

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to argue with you. Just like me with mine, you are certainly welcome to do whatever you think is best for you. I'll respect that and defend your right to do just that. We'll just agree to disagree, eh?
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I as well many others I know have yet to be infected. I haven't been as draconian to myself as it sounds, there are cases I roam around maskless. I think it still boils down to how fit we each other are against this virus. Eventually, the virus will find its way. Its even possible that at this point we all have gotten the virus at some point but at a milder scale, thanks to our previously acquired immunity and overall health. Just because someone appears healthy, doesn't mean they are healthy, so take the mainstream media with a grain of salt. We are obviously entitled to our own opinions. Almost all independent YouTubers are sharing their take on this so-called pandemic. Truth is, we have been surrounded by viruses for eons and we ourselves as a species could not have evolved without viruses. I have a good feeling we are almost done with this pandemic, but that doesn't mean a new pandemic will not arise during this decade.

Given that the CCP Virus is transmitted primarily as an aerosol, I'm pretty convinced that asymptomatic people can easily transmit it simply because they are breathing. Every exhale is potentially carrying the virus. Seems kind of logical to me, but since when does logic apply anywhere, especially in this pandemic and MSM news environment.

Even an N95 mask is basically useless. It will only filter down to about 65 microns while the CCP virus is under 20 microns. Exactly how can it be effective? There is no factual, scientific, study/evidence, that masks do anything other than cover your face. If masks work "so well" explain why CA and NY have infection rates so high while FL and TX rates are so low. Sure you can argue warmer weather, but what about southern CA where it's warm? They're at the top of the infection rate. Masks are a virtue signal and a placebo that just doesn't work and give politicians a "high" because they can force people to wear them. I've been wearing the same POS blue paper mask for the last two months when I have to wear a mask. On top of that, I'm trying to figure out why I have to wear a mask in the doctors' office but not in the grocery store or Home Depot. Maybe it's only transmissible in doctors' offices as determined by the "experts" at the CDC. Again common sense is totally missing here.
When people doubt, they act, they don't wait for the consequences to become reality

The American people have had to face consequences in the "friendly skies" whereas Australians have had to face the consequences on the ground

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The bottom line is that mask, no mask, social distance (which is another pile of bullshit), no social distance, "vaccine" or no "vaccine", we're all going to get some "variant" of the CCP Virus. It's a virus just like the common cold and flu. Unless and until we all, especially politicians and the MSM, recognize this simple truth we're doomed to stupidity like mask mandates, social distancing and "vaccines" that aren't, actually vaccines.
Prolly just a shot of saline / tranquilizer to keep ourselves calm :rofl:

The bottom line is that mask, no mask, social distance (which is another pile of bullshit), no social distance, "vaccine" or no "vaccine", we're all going to get some "variant" of the CCP Virus. It's a virus just like the common cold and flu. Unless and until we all, especially politicians and the MSM, recognize this simple truth we're doomed to stupidity like mask mandates, social distancing and "vaccines" that aren't, actually vaccines.
Truth is nobody knows if there is something out there or not. Only ET knows :rofl: That's why they haven't landed to greet Earthlings yet

What's even more funny, the FDA authorized emergency use authorization for the booster shots. They have approved the vaccines though. I understand there is a time period for when approvals can be made. But that "gap" is really concerning. Can give anybody the feeling that they are being experimented on. :rofl: The medical community is deeply divided on medical freedom.