Known around here
Seems like the vast majority of folks I know who started a small business are not Libs so maybe the "media" doesn't care.
I'll bet that a least a few small business owners in blue cities that WERE Libs before the rioting and looting occurred there are not Libs NOW!Seems like the vast majority of folks I know who started a small business are not Libs so maybe the "media" doesn't care.
As I have said before, show me one case where Ivermectin killed someone and I will show you thousand's of cases where Remdesivir has...Another study showing Ivermectin as superior treatment vs Remdisivir (the drug normally given in hospitals for severe covid which has been shown time and time again to be ineffective)
Ivermectin use was associated with decreased mortality in patients with COVID-19 compared to remdesivir.
I suspect it's the study being set up and/or the data manipulated to achieve the desired outcome.What's with all these conflicting ivermectin studies?
So true, I remember parents pushing their kids to Get Chickenpox. I got mine as a late teen and have scars from the scabs.I say everyone goto moneypox parties like my parents did to me as a child when someone came down with chickenpox.
The little I’ve heard of this is that this is essentially like chickenpox.