Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Guys, just a few points before I unsubscribe this thread again:

1. You can't use observational data (unblinded, not randomized) to determine effectiveness of a drug. That's not how it works. First comes basic phase I safety and metabolic testing. Then comes scale up and dose response/formulation in phase II. Then comes larger phase III trials. All these are randomized and double blinded so nobody knows who got the drug until the data is all in. Observational studies come later (generally after approval...) and are used to study effects of the drug in real populations, and differences in real life versus trials can give important insights. But you CAN'T just ask for volunteers with no control group, and then expect the outcomes to be meaningful. Whatever was behind the decision to volunteer in this way certainly comes with factors that will skew the outcome.

2. I'm told that some big multi-country studies on ivermectin should release randomized/blinded data this fall. I've seen results of smaller ones, they are usually like this one. Note the one linked is still going through peer review. But they all read the same way, pretty much. If Ivermectin helped at all, it was a very small increase in outcome, and might well be worse than standard of care. There are a lot of websites that count these results as pro-ivermectin (because it worked better than nothing), even when it was worse than standard of care.

3. The Campbell study being referenced is bogus. The report doesn't match the regulatory submission, and they don't address the problems about lack of blinding or randomization. They purposefully redacted their conflict of interest information in the edited copy post-review. No bona fide doctors do anything but laugh at this bunch of idiots.

4. As to your clot picture, and notes about metal shards, look to how the guy got metal shards in his body. The vaccine doesn't do that. There's also no clotting problem with the mRNA vaccines, though there WERE some clotting issues with the J&J vaccine, but even those were lower risk than the combined risk of (chance of getting covid) times (chance of having covid-induced clotting problems).

5. Don't want an mRNA vaccine or an adenovirus-based one? Want an old-school vaccine? Great. Get the Novavax vaccine. It's approved. Ask you doctor for it. It's just lab grown spike protein, similar to many other vaccines that have been used for decades.

6. Yes, I'm actually getting the new bivalent vaccine. My wife is relatively high risk due to health issues and if me getting this shot makes me less likely to infect her if I get a case of covid, it's worth whatever small risk an incremental dose has.

7. No, the gov't isn't planning on surreptitiously mixing in covid vaccines with flu vaccines without telling you (seriously, this is pretty far out there, even for this group of suspicious folks!).

Have fun.
There's so much wrong with your post Im not even going to try and go back over 640 pages of data to show how wrong you are.

1- Why didnt Pfizer and Moderna follow your profile for drug testing/approval? Is it acceptable to throw out a control group 90 days in?

2- Ivermectin, Im sure if you shop around you'll find a study that says what you want it to. Im good with the 130 I mentioned

3- never cited him

4- Really? you say that with a straight face? Google is your friend. The inventor of the mRNA tech also seems to think they do cause clotting, among Hundreds of other researchers and Docs. Oh, and Mom says Hi - (stroke via clot 3 days after clot shot #2)

5 - great I'll get right on that

6- good luck

7- No our government, Big Pharma, and the medical community would never lie to us :blankstare:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Guys, just a few points before I unsubscribe this thread again:

1. You can't use observational data (unblinded, not randomized) to determine effectiveness of a drug. That's not how it works. First comes basic phase I safety and metabolic testing. Then comes scale up and dose response/formulation in phase II. Then comes larger phase III trials. All these are randomized and double blinded so nobody knows who got the drug until the data is all in. Observational studies come later (generally after approval...) and are used to study effects of the drug in real populations, and differences in real life versus trials can give important insights. But you CAN'T just ask for volunteers with no control group, and then expect the outcomes to be meaningful. Whatever was behind the decision to volunteer in this way certainly comes with factors that will skew the outcome.

2. I'm told that some big multi-country studies on ivermectin should release randomized/blinded data this fall. I've seen results of smaller ones, they are usually like this one. Note the one linked is still going through peer review. But they all read the same way, pretty much. If Ivermectin helped at all, it was a very small increase in outcome, and might well be worse than standard of care. There are a lot of websites that count these results as pro-ivermectin (because it worked better than nothing), even when it was worse than standard of care.

3. The Campbell study being referenced is bogus. The report doesn't match the regulatory submission, and they don't address the problems about lack of blinding or randomization. They purposefully redacted their conflict of interest information in the edited copy post-review. No bona fide doctors do anything but laugh at this bunch of idiots.

4. As to your clot picture, and notes about metal shards, look to how the guy got metal shards in his body. The vaccine doesn't do that. There's also no clotting problem with the mRNA vaccines, though there WERE some clotting issues with the J&J vaccine, but even those were lower risk than the combined risk of (chance of getting covid) times (chance of having covid-induced clotting problems).

5. Don't want an mRNA vaccine or an adenovirus-based one? Want an old-school vaccine? Great. Get the Novavax vaccine. It's approved. Ask you doctor for it. It's just lab grown spike protein, similar to many other vaccines that have been used for decades.

6. Yes, I'm actually getting the new bivalent vaccine. My wife is relatively high risk due to health issues and if me getting this shot makes me less likely to infect her if I get a case of covid, it's worth whatever small risk an incremental dose has.

7. No, the gov't isn't planning on surreptitiously mixing in covid vaccines with flu vaccines without telling you (seriously, this is pretty far out there, even for this group of suspicious folks!).

Have fun.

Ummmm.... Im sure Frankenshit will be by soon to tell us yet again that the only studies that are valid are the ones he supports and are favorable to Big Pharma and his Elf God Fauci

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 'Metal-Like Objects' in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects

A peer-reviewed study in Italy found that 94% of people who experienced side effects after receiving mRNA vaccines had abnormal blood and contained foreign matter one month after vaccination, Epoch Times reported.

This new study was published in August 2022 in the open access peer-reviewed journal, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR).

Starting in March 2021, three Italian surgeons analyzed peripheral blood, using a single drop from each of 1,006 symptomatic participants who had had at least one mRNA injection (from Pfizer or Moderna.)

According to the study, “there were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.”

Erythrocytes also known as red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.

“In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing,” it added.

“Of the 1,006 subjects, 426 were males and 580 were females and 141 of them received only a single dose of the mRNA experimental injection, 453 got a second dose, and 412 received a third dose. The average age of the 1,006 subjects was 49 years and their age ranged from 15-85. On the average, 5.77% of the 1,006 individuals had normal blood samples in spite of their COVID-19 symptoms,” according to the study.

“The remaining 94.23% had abnormal blood samples as illustrated in the 4 cases we selected out of the 12 who were normal before receiving any mRNA injections but were no longer normal afterward. For each case, a drop of blood was drawn by pricking a finger and was analyzed under a ZEISS Primostar orLEITZ Laborlux 12 dark-field microscope. The observation of the blood under an optical microscope in a dark-field took place an average of thirty days after the last inoculation,” the study added.

The three surgeons behind the study—Franco Giovannini, Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, and Gianpaolo Pisano—claim that their findings are similar to those of a study by Young Mi Lee, Sunyoung Park, and Ki-Yeob Jeon from South Korea, titled “Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines,” but the Italian study has “much larger sample.”

“Our findings, however, are bolstered by their parallel analysis of the fluids in vials of the mRNA concoctions alongside centrifuged plasma samples from the cases they studied intensively. What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari, have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA “vaccines.”

The surgeons believed that the vaccine makers should provide an explanation as to what is within the shots and why those components are present.

“In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional “vaccines” and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there,” they said.

\The Full Study here:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Uh hem

Israeli Scientists Identified Two COVID-Neutralizing Antibodies that Could Eliminate the Need for Vaccine Booster for all Variants

Israeli Scientists Identified Two COVID-Neutralizing Antibodies that Could Eliminate the Need for Vaccine Booster for all Variants

Vaccine boosters may not be necessary anymore, according to a peer-reviewed study conducted by a team of Israeli researchers who say they have found antibodies that effectively neutralize the coronavirus.

Researchers led by TAU’s microbiologist Dr. Natalia Freund found antibodies that could be utilized to create a very effective antibody infusion, which is already used to treat some coronavirus patients.


The study, which began in October 2020 and was peer-reviewed, was published in Nature’s Communications Biology section.


Now, the top two antibodies have been tested against a range of variants, and performed well against all of them.

“According to our findings, the effectiveness of the first antibody, TAU-1109, in neutralizing the Omicron strain is 92 percent, and in neutralizing the Delta strain, 90%,” Freund said.
“The second antibody, TAU-2310, neutralizes the Omicron variant with an efficacy of 84%, and the Delta variant with an efficacy of 97%,” she added.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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UK Bans COVID Vax for Kids – Investigation Finds Vaccine Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys (VIDEO)

UK Bans COVID Vax for Kids - Investigation Finds Vaccine Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys (VIDEO)

Dr. Wolf discussed the latest development from the United Kingdom. The UK Health Security Agency banned the COVID vaccine from childrenwho had not turned five by the end of last month. The UK will no longer offer the vaccine to children aged 5 to 11.

Wolf also discussed a recent investigation that revealed the devastating affects of the vaccine on little boys. According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, the vaccine is hindering the development of the testes of pre-adolescent boys. This is a catastrophe.
Dr. Wolf: The vaccines hurt the testes and hurt the parts of the testes that develop the masculinity and secondary sex characteristics of little boys, and baby boys, and teenage boys. So they literally harm the chances of your little boy child to grow up normally as a male human adult.
The Daily Clout previously reported on the vaccines causing an astonishing drop in adult male fertility.


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
There's so much wrong with your post Im not even going to try and go back over 640 pages of data to show how wrong you are.

1- Why didnt Pfizer and Moderna follow your profile for drug testing/approval? Is it acceptable to throw out a control group 90 days in?
And on top of that ... @Frankenscript why are they only releasing 500 pages per month for the next 47 years on the trial papers? If they have nothing to hide, show them all at once. After 40+ years most of the people that took the jab will be dead. To quote a Clinton " What difference at this point does it make"
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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MUST WATCH: 'Do You Think This is Fair?' - Moderna CEO and AstraZeneca Official Reveal Shocking Secrets to COVID Vaccines After Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș Grills Them

First question: I would like to know the date, if possible, when you decoded the entire DNA sequence of this virus or did you rely solely on the sequence provided by the Chinese government?

Second question: Have you tested whether the vaccine stops the spread of the virus or not? Because the data clearly shows that your products are not stopping the spread of this virus.

Third question: Have you had people die during the human trials, and if so, what was the disease they died from?

You stated here that you relied on the sequence provided to you by the Chinese government when you developed your vaccine. I have here an answer from EMA, which shows for every vaccine the kind of tests that were done. So in the case of Moderna, for example, you provided data showing that you tested these vaccines since 2017, 2018, and 2019. So how are you able to test these vaccines back then when we found out about this virus in December of 2019?

The contract you mentioned here that there are some secrets or some confidential information in these contracts that should protect your interests. Now, the question that I addressed to you is, what about the interests of us and the interests of the European citizens?

Because this is how some of the pages from the contract between Moderna and the European Commission is showing. So I’m asking you, do you think this is fair to all of us to talk about these vaccines, to talk about boosters, to talk about medical products when we don’t know the clauses of these contracts? So the direct question to you, Mr. Bonsel, is when are you going to fully publish the contracts that you have both with the European Commission and with the member states of the European Union?

Another question, the issue of liabilities. You were asked by our colleagues here about the liabilities and you avoided to answer this question. So my question is why are you pushing the liabilities on the state and on the people who receive these vaccines? I think I might have adverse effect, why do you get all the profits?


Back in March, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted during his interview with WaPo that the “mRNA vaccine” technology was not sufficiently proven when they launched it. He said the experts “convinced him” but he wasn’t sure. He said they’ve been working for the mRNA since 2018.


Pulling my weight
Jun 22, 2015
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Southwest Desert, USA

In 1957 the “Asian Flu” epidemic hit the United States. The “Powers That Be” decided that our small and isolated Naval Base would be the ideal place to test a new vaccine for the Asian Flu. Shortly after the inoculations were given, people started dropping like flies. Literally falling to the floor unconscious. I remember that I woke up in the infirmary at the neighboring Andrews Air Force base after being unconscious for 24 hours. There were over 100 beds in that infirmary and all of them were occupied by someone from my base. A guy two beds down from me had been packed in ice because of his high fever. He eventually died. When we all got back to our base, we noticed there were many people that were missing. We never were able to find out how many people were killed by that experimental vaccine.

Note added in September 2021: This is why I have never taken a flu shot again, or any shot. In this era of Covid-19, I will resist the mandatory vaccine to the end.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Uh hem

Israeli Scientists Identified Two COVID-Neutralizing Antibodies that Could Eliminate the Need for Vaccine Booster for all Variants

Israeli Scientists Identified Two COVID-Neutralizing Antibodies that Could Eliminate the Need for Vaccine Booster for all Variants

Vaccine boosters may not be necessary anymore, according to a peer-reviewed study conducted by a team of Israeli researchers who say they have found antibodies that effectively neutralize the coronavirus.

Researchers led by TAU’s microbiologist Dr. Natalia Freund found antibodies that could be utilized to create a very effective antibody infusion, which is already used to treat some coronavirus patients.


The study, which began in October 2020 and was peer-reviewed, was published in Nature’s Communications Biology section.


Now, the top two antibodies have been tested against a range of variants, and performed well against all of them.

“According to our findings, the effectiveness of the first antibody, TAU-1109, in neutralizing the Omicron strain is 92 percent, and in neutralizing the Delta strain, 90%,” Freund said.
“The second antibody, TAU-2310, neutralizes the Omicron variant with an efficacy of 84%, and the Delta variant with an efficacy of 97%,” she added.
I expect big pharma and their whores in the media & govt will mount a full blown attack, even more so if there isn't a ton of money to be made.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Guys, just a few points before I unsubscribe this thread again:

1. You can't use observational data (unblinded, not randomized) to determine effectiveness of a drug. That's not how it works. First comes basic phase I safety and metabolic testing. Then comes scale up and dose response/formulation in phase II. Then comes larger phase III trials. All these are randomized and double blinded so nobody knows who got the drug until the data is all in. Observational studies come later (generally after approval...) and are used to study effects of the drug in real populations, and differences in real life versus trials can give important insights. But you CAN'T just ask for volunteers with no control group, and then expect the outcomes to be meaningful. Whatever was behind the decision to volunteer in this way certainly comes with factors that will skew the outcome.

2. I'm told that some big multi-country studies on ivermectin should release randomized/blinded data this fall. I've seen results of smaller ones, they are usually like this one. Note the one linked is still going through peer review. But they all read the same way, pretty much. If Ivermectin helped at all, it was a very small increase in outcome, and might well be worse than standard of care. There are a lot of websites that count these results as pro-ivermectin (because it worked better than nothing), even when it was worse than standard of care.

3. The Campbell study being referenced is bogus. The report doesn't match the regulatory submission, and they don't address the problems about lack of blinding or randomization. They purposefully redacted their conflict of interest information in the edited copy post-review. No bona fide doctors do anything but laugh at this bunch of idiots.

4. As to your clot picture, and notes about metal shards, look to how the guy got metal shards in his body. The vaccine doesn't do that. There's also no clotting problem with the mRNA vaccines, though there WERE some clotting issues with the J&J vaccine, but even those were lower risk than the combined risk of (chance of getting covid) times (chance of having covid-induced clotting problems).

5. Don't want an mRNA vaccine or an adenovirus-based one? Want an old-school vaccine? Great. Get the Novavax vaccine. It's approved. Ask you doctor for it. It's just lab grown spike protein, similar to many other vaccines that have been used for decades.

6. Yes, I'm actually getting the new bivalent vaccine. My wife is relatively high risk due to health issues and if me getting this shot makes me less likely to infect her if I get a case of covid, it's worth whatever small risk an incremental dose has.

7. No, the gov't isn't planning on surreptitiously mixing in covid vaccines with flu vaccines without telling you (seriously, this is pretty far out there, even for this group of suspicious folks!).

Have fun.
With all respect, 6. is a huge Myth. If you get Covid-19 you have a 100% chance of passing it to your wife. The Shot will not help you there. I have heard case after case of kids bringing it home and infecting their Vaxxed parents, this happened with my grandson, as well as those who are Vaxxed bringing it home and infecting the rest of their family, both Vaxxed and Unvaxxed. That is the problem with this shot it does not stop the spread. I fully understand your concern for your wife and I understand your thinking that all the boasters is going to somehow stop you from getting Covid-19 but you and I have seen this not to be true, just look at those who got infected in our Gov't, the one's pushing the shots. Their only answer to why they got the virus is their shots made their experience with the virus less severe.

My prayers are with you and your wife...
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Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
I expect big pharma and their whores in the media & govt will mount a full blown attack, even more so if there isn't a ton of money to be made.
Nope big Pharma will buy the patents and control all information on this, so that it never can be used to help mankind.

Also don't be surprised if the scientists that worked on this end up Clintonized.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Deaths are soaring in one of the world's most highly mRNA vaccinated areas

Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 percent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August - far above the five-year average.

Victoria offers almost unique data: near-real-time reporting on death trends in millions of people who are heavily vaccinated but had little exposure to Covid before being jabbed.

The picture is increasingly grim.

Victoria registered 4,896 deaths from all causes in August, 27 percent above the monthly average of the previous five Augusts. Mortality in Australia typically peaks June through August, the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, but the figure is only the latest in a disturbing trend.

So far in 2022, Victoria has registered 32,533 deaths, 20 percent above its average for the same eight-month period from 2017 through 2021. Victoria has had more than 4000 deaths in five months since February; it crossed that threshold only in seven months in the previous 12 years.

In general, deaths in Victoria have typically fallen in a very narrow band. In each year from 2017 to 2021, the state reported between 26,350 and 27,800 deaths for the eight months from January to August…

URGENT: Deaths are soaring in one of the world's most highly mRNA vaccinated areas (


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Do boosters save people from getting very sick with Covid? New data from Britain say the opposite.
The mRNA vaccine miracle just keeps getting more special. Don't blame me; the numbers come straight from the British government.

Alex Berenson
Sep 7

Newly mRNA boosted adults aged 40-74 are now TWICE as likely to be hospitalized for Covid as those who haven't recently been boosted, a new British government report shows.
Vaccine advocates endlessly claim that though mRNA shots fail against Omicron infection in weeks, they still miraculously prevent Covid from becoming a serious illness that could require hospitalization.
These figures, which cover hospitalizations in June, suggest otherwise.
(See that blue bar? Those are the people who have had a booster within the last three months. That bar supposed to be lower than the other bars, not higher. Higher is bad.)



Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Let's see. We have a vaccine that isn't actually a vaccine and doesn't prevent infection or the spread of that same infection. Now we have a booster that doesn't stop the infection or spread of the infection. We've been harangued by "experts" telling us how effective both the vaccine and the boosters are while they're totally ineffective against the virus that they were specifically designed for. Now, on top of the blood clotting problems and the general death rate increases, data is indicating an even higher death rate for those that get infected after they have receive the booster shots.

Am I the only one that thinks this is a total sham? Nahh, it couldn't be, everything is fine, just ask the experts.
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