Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

moved to Politics thread, wrong thread. ooopss
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Today in Clown World....

The First Amendment, Brought To You By Pfizer
The First Amendment, Brought To You By Pfizer | ZeroHedge
Pfizer now claims the right of a corporate sovereign, arguing that states have “no legitimate interest in regulating” the company’s commercial speech while demanding the power to censor Americans’ newsfeeds.

..........The filing does not deny Paxton’s detailed allegations that Pfizer “coerced social media platforms to silence prominent truth-tellers,” including a former FDA Director, and “conspired to censor the vaccine’s critics.”

Pfizer Board Member Scott Gottlieb “persistently contacted senior persons at Twitter and…other social media platforms, in a clandestine effort to silence challengers to Pfizer’s deceptive scheme to promote sales and use of its vaccine products,” including targeting doctors who touted natural immunity, according to Paxton’s suit.

Further, Paxton alleges that Pfizer, led by CEO Albert Bourla, “affirmatively intimidated vaccine skeptics to perpetuate its scheme to confuse and deceive the public.”
The company makes no attempt to refute these allegations. Instead, the brief cites its government contracts as carte blanche to take any actions related to Covid.

Pfizer thus not only claims to work in tandem with the State, but it asserts a sovereign power unshackled from the restraints of constitutional law. The First Amendment allows its executives to usurp citizens’ freedom of speech but prevents prosecution of the company’s lies, according to this theory.
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You can't fix Dead or Stupid
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Well, no shit. Same gubermint types not following the science with "global warming". Being a liberal is a religion....nothing scientific about their dumb policies.

I could use some help understanding basic English. Do these 2 sentences say that the current booster will lower your immunity, but you should take it anyway? And if so, what's the logic that I'm missing?

"He said since the current monovalent booster is based on XBB, that may weaken immunity. However, he said getting vaccinated is still the public’s best option to protect themselves."

A new COVID variant, JN.1, becomes the dominant strain in Oregon