Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


There are a number of reasons I continue to research the whole Covid tragedy. Of course none greater than the fact that they killed my mother. (Today would have been her 87th birthday and given her health pre-jab and her family history, I had good reason to believe she would have lived well into her 90's)

But a few key points
  1. They are now in full press mode to put the blame squarely on Fauci and the Chinese Whuan lab. They are purposefully glossing over the facts, clearly documented, that DARPA and UNC Chapel Hill under Dr Ralph Baric literally invented the technology and the FCS (Furin Cleavage Site) or the splicing technique to insert bad shit into the DNA of a pathogen to enhance its ability to infect and kill humans. let alone the traceable patents by NIH and Moderna. It was clearly "Born in the USA" as that liberal fraud fuckwad Bruce Springsteen put it.
  2. The long term effects of both the virus and the experimental gene therapy are still being discovered but it don't look good. Playing with DNA and seeing what may happen as it replicates in humans is not something even the best scientists fully understand. Many of them are scared shitless
  3. They aren't done. The "Bird Flu" may be their next attempt.
I've made a lot of decisions in my life, some good, some terrible, but refusing to get that covid jab is one of the best I ever made. I don't know why, the Lord must have blessed me with a little common sense at that particular time.
This mrna bullshit may be an achilles heel for Trump and Vance, I hope not. I see comments that Vance and Vivek have money in AmplifyBio, could be a problem.
Agree. If they dont get out in front of this it could be a real problem for them
Who doesnt think they would have spent 10X or 100X that to jab every citizen of the world with their untested poison?

Pfizer has been a company for over 150 years and has never cured a single disease or affliction.

Pfizer Agrees to $60 Million Settlement in Kickback Scandal for Allegedly ‘Bribing’ Doctors to Promote Migraine Drug — Defrauding Medicare and Other Federal Health Programs​

Glad he pulled Faci's protection detail. With all his money, let him hire private protection.
I made a split PVC sleeve to cover the gap between the pipes, and made sure the cracks between the sleeve halves were well filled with PVC cement. Dirt flowed into the pipe only a few inches and I was able to get most of it out. I dug because of a break in the white irrigation pipe, finding the electric conduit was a surprise, a lucky one at that. It's obvious I exaggerated about the gap being a full inch. I wish threads didn't drift like this. One comment just leads to another.
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Yes, I apologize to all for all my Off Topic post. My mind drifts from subject to subject...
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I've made a lot of decisions in my life, some good, some terrible, but refusing to get that covid jab is one of the best I ever made. I don't know why, the Lord must have blessed me with a little common sense at that particular time.
I was guilty, at first, of the fear-mongering going on. We had wipes in our cars, hand sanitizer everywhere, pockets, vehicles, all over the house. Our house was never that clean. When we pumped gas, had a wipe in my hand, though the lock down had us going very few places. Was at Kroger at 6am waiting for 7am open, just to get toilet paper, while we all were standing 6 feet apart, once the doors opened, we all crammed together through the door. haha The wife and I finally stepped back as we both remembered the AIDS scare where you can get it from toilet seats, drinking from someone else's glass, etc. As more and more reporting came out, we saw this was mainly effecting the elderly and people with health conditions.

So all through 2020, putting up with required mask, even going down to visit my Dad, they had a city/area law, no more than two people in a vehicle. The world was going crazy. Then came the vaccine, which we now know it was not a vaccine, The Shot or Jab. We were also memorized with the death counting numbers, we even lost a family member in a hospital at the end of 2020, before The Jab. He made it through the first bout but a week later had problems breathing so went into the hospital and never came out. No one could go see him, so zero contact with him.

Things just were not adding up, the wife and I were blessed in that my wife was on mandatory work from home from her company and I was able to limit my work so we both had very little contact with people. We watched pretty much all our family run to the Shot. Several had to for work. When we shared that we were not going to take the Jab right away, we were, of course, met with opposition. Seemed each family had their own rules, some stricter than others.

If it were not for this Forum and all those doing the research, who knows, we might of ended up with the Shot too. I am glad we hesitated and was in a position of less contact with people.

I don't blame people for getting the Jab, back then, in the beginning, I get it. BUT, when we saw the PUSH to get it, people would lose their jobs, get the Jab and get a free hamburger, the promotions, stupid craziness, HUGE light went off in both of our heads. WHY THE BIG PUSH. By that time we pretty much knew less than one percent was the mortality rate. Why push kids to get the Shot who was the least liking to die?

So the year of the Shot, 2021, at Christmas the wife and I got Covid-19. The wife, zero fever, not even as bad a sinus infections for her, for me 3 days of 102 temps, both of us experienced fatigue for about a week after. Did we have Covid-19 or just the flu? Well did I and the wife mild sinus? Don't know, no one were testing for the flu at that time. By then, we already knew the Shot was not stopping people from getting Covid, pretty much everyone we knew who got the Shot ended up with Covid, and not just once, actually one person we knew, got it 3 times and they had all the available shots.

We all now know Covid cured the Flu since it mysteriously went away during the Pandemic.

@bigredfish, we are very sorry for your loss. I wish my mother were still here too. I do share your anger for what was unleased on the world, whether intentional or not. Looks like Trump is stopping the funding gain-of-function research. But the continuing of mRNA use is really the present/future concern.
I was guilty, at first, of the fear-mongering going on. We had wipes in our cars, hand sanitizer everywhere, pockets, vehicles, all over the house. Our house was never that clean.
You and just about everybody else! My family took it totally seriously until contradictions started leaking out, things like certain businesses could be open but others not. Then when there were jab mandates for the common people but not the elites, it became obvious that it was all about control. Jab mandates for people working 100% at home was a very obvious revelation that it was all about control. We're really proud of our kids. We have zero kids or grandkids who got the shot. One of them is even a medical worker who was threated with being fired. I consider than my older brother's death was due to the false hysteria. He was scheduled for a surgery that was cancelled to keep the hospitals cleared for all the incoming covid cases. He eventually died from what the surgery was expected to fix.
You and just about everybody else! My family took it totally seriously until contradictions started leaking out, things like certain businesses could be open but others not. Then when there were jab mandates for the common people but not the elites, it became obvious that it was all about control. Jab mandates for people working 100% at home was a very obvious revelation that it was all about control. We're really proud of our kids. We have zero kids or grandkids who got the shot. One of them is even a medical worker who was threated with being fired. I consider than my older brother's death was due to the false hysteria. He was scheduled for a surgery that was cancelled to keep the hospitals cleared for all the incoming covid cases. He eventually died from what the surgery was expected to fix.
Wow, wish I could say that about our kids and grandkids. Only one grandchild did not get the Shot, and it was not from the grandparents giving warning, who listens to old people right? Our daughter had a friend who was a nurse that warned her that kids should not be getting the Shot, Our son and his wife refused the shot too. His wife works at a hospital and was denied her first exemption request, the day before she was to be let go, she sent in another exemption request, which we heavily prayed for and it got approved. Unfortunately everyone else in our family got the Shot. It is all in God's hands now. Hopefully they got the bad batches that were out there, that is the ones that were not kept at the right temps and the content didn't make it to effect them...also hopefully their shots were done right, pullback to check for blood, never really asked them. It was a sore subject so we left it alone...

Sorry to hear about your brother, I heard this from several people, nurses, who worked in hospitals that knew patients that had surgeries planned/scheduled but did not get them...Covid-19 killed many people in different ways. My Dad, I strongly feel, neglect played a be part in his death during the Pandemic. He passed in Aug. 2020, we were not able to visit him, he just moved into an assisted living a few months prior from his place of 20 years in a 55 an older community, where Winter Texans, as they called them, would bring their RVs every year. He loved it there. Dad went down hill fast. We could not get a Doctor to come to the Assisted Living to check on him and if we took him out from the place, Dad would have to be in quarantine for 2 weeks upon return. He never tested positive for Covid, think they did daily testing there or alot we were told. We were told he was having breathing problems but they had him on oxygen which brought his levels up to normal. Then one day came the call, I was working 2 hours away, my wife went there, they let her in to see him, she called me and I left work and made it there about an hour before he passed. He passed peacefully and I am pretty sure he recognized I was there.

I know my post are long, sorry but writing seems to help me. Atleast this time I am On Topic...
What a screwed up society we have when you need to pass a bill to keep doctors from being fired for prescribing medicine like ivermectin.