Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

So when is Version X coming out? Its like an operating system,

They'll do anything to hang on to power and keep mail-in voting alive.
So Rap is not my Go-To genre but this was shared to me by a member of the younger generation, seems this Rapper gets it...The real push is "No Lives Matter"

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The Delta+ (Plus) Variant has been detected, an upgraded from the Delta Variant, its like a new iPhone every other month

Stock up on the essentials before Fall/Winter 2021 arrives ;)

What's the progress on that third booster shot?
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Huh? If it's Delta they won't even offer a tiny bag of peanuts!

We can all play ignorant but this IS going to happen:

Revelation 9:16-18 NLV

16 The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were.

17 I saw, as God wanted to show me, the horses and the men on them. The men had pieces of iron over their chests. These were red like fire and blue like the sky and yellow like sulphur. The heads of the horses looked like the heads of lions. Fire and smoke and sulphur came out of their mouths. 18 One-third part of all men was killed by the fire and smoke and sulphur that came out of their mouths.