Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Would be interesting to see the risk of those who didn’t get the vax! The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was complete BS. Seems like those who got the jab were no more protected than those who didn’t.

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Yeah, it was a Scam...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I'll try and find it, there have been a number of them and more recently by the very top researchers that said the opposite
Would be interesting to see the risk of those who didn’t get the vax! The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was complete BS. Seems like those who got the jab were no more protected than those who didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, it was all a Lie.
The virus itself is real, its been being developed for over 20 years, but the plandemic, vaccines, and information about it have all been orchestrated lies.

International Covid Summit - Dr. David Martin
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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One thing to remember, When one produces a weapon, they simultaneously develop
a counter measure. In this case we were told pharma developed a "vaccine" in record time.
The BOHICA moment has arrived!


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
I got the virus at the end of 2020. I pooped my pants a couple of times while sneezing, ran a low grade fever for a couple of days and lost my sense of taste and smell for about 6 months. Other than that, nada. I have the anti-bodies, never got vaxed, never went and saw the doctor. It was basically like any other virus you catch.

What does the doctor tell you when you have a virus? Take fever reducer, drink fluids and get rest. Your body will take care of the rest. Ask him if he knows what virus you have. If he is honest, he will shrug his shoulders and say "I don't know. We just treat the symptoms. Your body will fight the virus"

COVID was totally a worldwide scam. The downside to the covid scam was the majority of people lost all trust in the medical community. They saw through the smoke screen and saw the majority of the medical community was all about making the almighty dollar. Fuck e'm.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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All this shot crap reminds me of Matt. 7:13 or
"For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it".

For some the material workings and the participants are easier decern that others. Or, stated in
simple form. The Diamond Lane, well lit and populated by a majority, is the fast way to DOOM.

As most can see, the Deceivers that fill all forms of communication now, from the the Office of the President
to the "Karens in the neighborhood" are full of falsehoods. And the beginning of the end of this crap is near.
See Mat 24:4 it is real simple. “Watch out that no one deceives you".


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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I confess, I'm guilty of asking this same question every time I hear of someone young and supposedly healthy "dying suddenly".


David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I confess, I'm guilty of asking this same question every time I hear of someone young and supposedly healthy "dying suddenly".

I am with you. My wife lost her sister recently to a sudden death, her heart gave out, according to the doctors. Now she has had several health related issues over the years, she even fought breast cancer, but it seems after her latest boaster this happened. We could not share our thoughts with the ones who are Vaxxed in our family.

Those older and unhealthy I don't question as much as those who are young and healthy and now suddenly has heart conditions.

One thing that Cannot be ignored is all the "Excess Deaths" happening worldwide...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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As previously mentioned, this lying piece of shit took over as the poster boy for Covid bullshit from Fraudci.

  • Blatantly trying to cover up lab theory while funding the very same Gain of Function work at Wuhan - CHECK
  • Takes money from Gates Foundation - CHECK

Vax-Pushing Debate Dodger Linked To 'Chimeric' Coronavirus Creation In Wuhan
Vax-Pushing Debate Dodger Linked To 'Chimeric' Coronavirus Creation In Wuhan | ZeroHedge

View attachment 165826

I agree, he is a lying piece of shit.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
CDC Director Concerned About ‘Breakthrough’ Cases Weeks After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Email

The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several other top officials knew in early 2021 that vaccinated people were becoming infected with COVID-19, according to an email obtained by The Epoch Times.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told colleagues in the Jan. 30, 2021, missive that she had spoken with Dr. Francis Collins that morning “and one of the issues we discussed was that of vaccine breakthroughs.”

“Breakthrough” refers to vaccinated people becoming infected.

“This is clearly and [sic] important area of study and was specifically called out this week here,” Walensky added, providing a link to an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

In the editorial, immunologist John Moore and vaccine inventor Dr. Paul Offit said that there was a “growing threat” of COVID-19 variants emerging that would “escape” the protection bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, which had been authorized in December 2020.

Early testing, they noted, found that antibodies conferred by Moderna’s vaccine were less active against one of the new variants that had emerged.

Moore and Offit called for testing of vaccinated people who were hospitalized with COVID-19, the creation of a national sequencing program to quickly identify new variants, and the development of a repository of samples taken from vaccinated people.

Walensky said she’d discussed the matter a few weeks prior with Dr. Nancy Messonnier, another top CDC official. “I understand that [redacted],” Walensky wrote to Messonnier and three other CDC employees.

“Should we discuss? What is the best next step forward?” she added.

More at the link: CDC Director Concerned About ‘Breakthrough’ Cases Weeks After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Email (


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Funny how so few people seem to care about the biggest scam of our lifetime now...........I guess most fall in one of three camps
1- You're all jabbed up and dont want to hear the truth. No way your government and the healthcare system lied to you
2- You got the initial jab and little bits of the truth have seeped into your head but its easier to ignore it and not dig too deep for fear of what you may find
3- Jabbed or not, you realize we were lied to on a colossal scale like never before and its forever changed your perception of .... everything

Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets And Profiteers
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets And Profiteers | ZeroHedge

Public health experts were messengers for the biodefense response
The most crucial single fact to know and remember when trying to understand the craziness of Covid times is this:

The public health experts were not responsible for pandemic response policy. The military-intelligence-biodefense leadership was in charge.

In previous articles, I examined in great detail the government documents that show how standard tenets of public health pandemic management were abruptly and secretly thrown out during Covid. The most startling switch was the replacement of the public health agencies by the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security at the helm of pandemic policy and planning.

As part of the secret switch, all communications – defined in every previous pandemic planning document as the responsibility of the CDC – were taken over by the National Security Council under the auspices of the White House Task Force. The CDC was not even allowed to hold its own press conferences!

As a Senate report from December 2022 notes:

From March through June 2020, CDC was not permitted to conduct public briefings, despite multiple requests by the agency and CDC media requests were “rarely cleared.” HHS stated that by early April 2020, “after several attempts to get approvals,” its Office of Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs “stopped asking” the White House “for a while.” (p. 8)
When public health and medical experts blanketed the airwaves and Internet with “recommendations” urging universal masking, mass testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people, vaccine mandates, and other anti-public health policies – or when they promoted obviously flawed studies that supported the quarantine-until-vaccine biodefense agenda – they were not doing so because they were dumb, incompetent, or misguided.

They were performing the role that the leaders of the national security/biodefense response gave them: to be the trusted public face that made people believe quarantine-until-vaccine was a legitimate public health response.

What to Ask a Covid Task Force Member Under Oath ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health ⋆ Brownstone Institute

As previously reported, in the United States, the Covid pandemic response was designed and led by the national security branches of government, not by any public health agency or official.

Furthermore, we do not have a public record of what the national security pandemic plan actually stated.

So what? You might ask. Why should we care if Covid policy was determined by the National Security Council (NSC) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? What’s so bad about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) taking over as lead federal agency for pandemic response, replacing Health and Human Services (HHS)?

National security is about protecting us from threats of war and terrorism

The answer to these questions is, in short, that the national security pandemic response plans, devised under the rubric of biodefense, are aimed at countering bioterrorism attacks. They focus on preventing hostile actors from obtaining bioweapons, surveilling for potential bioweapons use, and developing medical countermeasures.



Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Funny how so few people seem to care about the biggest scam of our lifetime now...........I guess most fall in one of three camps
1- You're all jabbed up and dont want to hear the truth. No way your government and the healthcare system lied to you
2- You got the initial jab and little bits of the truth have seeped into your head but its easier to ignore it and not dig too deep for fear of what you may find
3- Jabbed or not, you realize we were lied to on a colossal scale like never before and its forever changed your perception of .... everything

Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets And Profiteers
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets And Profiteers | ZeroHedge

Public health experts were messengers for the biodefense response
The most crucial single fact to know and remember when trying to understand the craziness of Covid times is this:

The public health experts were not responsible for pandemic response policy. The military-intelligence-biodefense leadership was in charge.

In previous articles, I examined in great detail the government documents that show how standard tenets of public health pandemic management were abruptly and secretly thrown out during Covid. The most startling switch was the replacement of the public health agencies by the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security at the helm of pandemic policy and planning.

As part of the secret switch, all communications – defined in every previous pandemic planning document as the responsibility of the CDC – were taken over by the National Security Council under the auspices of the White House Task Force. The CDC was not even allowed to hold its own press conferences!

As a Senate report from December 2022 notes:

When public health and medical experts blanketed the airwaves and Internet with “recommendations” urging universal masking, mass testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people, vaccine mandates, and other anti-public health policies – or when they promoted obviously flawed studies that supported the quarantine-until-vaccine biodefense agenda – they were not doing so because they were dumb, incompetent, or misguided.

They were performing the role that the leaders of the national security/biodefense response gave them: to be the trusted public face that made people believe quarantine-until-vaccine was a legitimate public health response.

What to Ask a Covid Task Force Member Under Oath ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health ⋆ Brownstone Institute

As previously reported, in the United States, the Covid pandemic response was designed and led by the national security branches of government, not by any public health agency or official.

Furthermore, we do not have a public record of what the national security pandemic plan actually stated.

So what? You might ask. Why should we care if Covid policy was determined by the National Security Council (NSC) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? What’s so bad about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) taking over as lead federal agency for pandemic response, replacing Health and Human Services (HHS)?

National security is about protecting us from threats of war and terrorism

The answer to these questions is, in short, that the national security pandemic response plans, devised under the rubric of biodefense, are aimed at countering bioterrorism attacks. They focus on preventing hostile actors from obtaining bioweapons, surveilling for potential bioweapons use, and developing medical countermeasures.

View attachment 166396
I don't think it is a matter of not caring, it is a matter of topic overload for almost 3 years. 24/7, for almost 3 years, this is all we heard. It was shoved down our throats everywhere we went. Every thing we read. Every thing we saw. And to top it all off, no one will be held responsible. Just look at the resident in the whitehouse. How many more smoking guns do we need to see before the asshole is arrested? But we all know, he and his cronies are all untouchable. Same thing goes with the covid shit and the jabs. Nothing will ever become of it. So we can let the water that was under the bridge keep on flowing out of our lives, be a distant memory and get on with life or we can chase after it and try to keep all the water under the bridge. I know the truth. I know the world was screwed over by the people in charge in high places. But, I can't change any of that and I prefer to not dwell on the historical nightmare that was covid. Life is too short to worry about the things I have no power to change. That's my $.02 on the subject matter.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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