Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Sep 5, 2016
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New Email Shows Fauci Adviser Suggesting He Destroyed Records
New Email Shows Fauci Adviser Suggesting He Destroyed Records | ZeroHedge

Dr. Morens wrote to colleagues after senators, including Mr. Johnson, wrote to then-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins asking for documents on how the NIH handled the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in a city that features a laboratory that ran risky tests with funds from the NIH.

"Based on this email, it appears that Dr. Morens may have intentionally deleted or destroyed records relating to the origins of COVID-19 given his admission that he has 'retained very few emails or documents on these matters," Mr. Johnson told Mr. Becerra. "Further, Dr. Morens' stated preference to receive correspondence on 'sensitive issues' through Gmail shows an apparent evasion of federal record keeping requirements and a complete disregard for transparency."

The Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the NIH, has repeatedly failed to hand over records that Mr. Johnson has requested, the senator noted. Dr. Morens' apparent actions "may have directly obstructed my oversight efforts," he wrote.


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Jul 16, 2015
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My mother had a long term care policy that she also paid for several decades. Thinking around $300 a month. It paid off for her big time. She ended up in her last 3 1/2 years in a memory care unit, since it was not considered a certified nursing facility the policy paid 80%. This worked great in that her social security made up the remaining 20% so she did not have to touch her savings except for a few months that she had a 24/7 sitter that the policy would not cover. My brother added up what she paid all those years and she got all her money back.

She had others buy the same policy but they later dropped the coverage, think her brother still has the policy. It is a rare policy now a days, it covered 100% care for life.
Since I started mine when I was around 35 I got a decent rate, even with a couple of inflation offerings that we accepted we have still only been paying $70 per month for the 2 of us combined. If we go for the inflation increase, which we will, it will increase to $148 per month, quite an increase. I'm sure it will likely pay off for one, or both of us. Of course insurance companies hope we die suddenly and don't use a dime of it.


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Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Humorous. People opened up fly-by night-covid testing labs, in anticipation of making millions or billions of dollars off the Federal Government reimbursements......except the feds stiffed e'm. :lol: Now they are trying to convince everyone that they were only opening up fly-by-night labs, just to assist the federal government and now that they got stiffed, they will be hesitant next time to help the government in their time of need...........:thumb::rofl:



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Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Humorous. People opened up fly-by night-covid testing labs, in anticipation of making millions or billions of dollars off the Federal Government reimbursements......except the feds stiffed e'm. :lol: Now they are trying to convince everyone that they were only opening up fly-by-night labs, just to assist the federal government and now that they got stiffed, they will be hesitant next time to help the government in their time of need...........:thumb::rofl:


David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Since I started mine when I was around 35 I got a decent rate, even with a couple of inflation offerings that we accepted we have still only been paying $70 per month for the 2 of us combined. If we go for the inflation increase, which we will, it will increase to $148 per month, quite an increase. I'm sure it will likely pay off for one, or both of us. Of course insurance companies hope we die suddenly and don't use a dime of it.
The Memory Care place Mom was at started off charging $5k a month and went up to $5,700 after 3 years. She needed full care. We looked at others, one wanted $8k a month but had very bad reviews. Big turnover in personal at these places. If my memory serves me right over those 3 years the policy paid around $160k, which was 80% of the total cost.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Appeal Planned After New York Supreme Court Reinstates ‘Quarantine Camp’ Regulation
Appeal Planned After New York Supreme Court Reinstates ‘Quarantine Camp’ Regulation

The New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division issued a ruling last week that effectively paves the way for quarantine camps in the future, the Brownstone Institute reported.

The court’s Nov. 17 decision reversed a lower court ruling that determined the March 2020 emergency rule 2.13 establishing “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” was unconstitutional.

The lower court ruling stemmed from a lawsuit filed in April 2022 by three New York State lawmakers and the citizens’ group Uniting NYS, who sued Gov. Kathleen Hochul and the New York State Department of Health (DOH) over rule 2.13.

The DOH later sought to make the rule permanent by establishing procedures through which state health officials could isolate or quarantine, against their will, people who had or were suspected of having a “highly contagious communicable disease.”

........... At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared a state disaster emergency and authorized the DOH to issue emergency regulations.

DOH then declared and regularly readopted a series of emergency regulations, including rule 2.13, which stated that to control a “highly contagious communicable disease” the state commissioner of health could issue quarantine orders for individual people or direct the local health department to do so.

The rule specified that quarantine locations could include the home or “other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate.”

It states that any quarantine order should specify the location and duration of quarantine, how they will get there and any other limitations on the person while quarantined. It also authorizes the DOH to work with law enforcement to compel compliance with the order.

A person compelled to quarantine does have the right to legal counsel and to seek judicial review, the regulation states, but it doesn’t outline procedures through which a quarantined person might access those rights or might exit quarantine.

..... “The Department of Health has full power. There’s no judge involved. You don’t get the right to an attorney until after you’re locked up. There’s no need for them to prove you’re sick. There’s no need for them to prove that you were exposed. There’s no need for them to prove you’re a public health threat to those around you. They can just lock you up or lock you down according to their whim for however long they want.”


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Jul 16, 2015
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If this turns out to be true then I'm good. Maybe that's why covid wasn't very bad for my wife and me when we got it.



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Sep 5, 2016
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‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA
‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA


The COVID-19 pandemic caused much illness, many deaths, and profound disruption to society. The production of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was a key public health target. Sadly, unprecedented high rates of adverse events have overshadowed the benefits. This two-part narrative review presents evidence for the widespread harms of novel product COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines and is novel in attempting to provide a thorough overview of harms arising from the new technology in vaccines that relied on human cells producing a foreign antigen that has evidence of pathogenicity. This first paper explores peer-reviewed data counter to the ‘safe and effective’ narrative attached to these new technologies. Spike protein pathogenicity, termed ‘spikeopathy’, whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or produced by vaccine gene codes, akin to a ‘synthetic virus’, is increasingly understood in terms of molecular biology and pathophysiology. Pharmacokinetic transfection through body tissues distant from the injection site by lipid-nanoparticles or viral-vector carriers means that ‘spikeopathy’ can affect many organs. The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects. This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.


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Sep 5, 2016
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The prevalence of post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome and quality of life among COVID-19-vaccinated individuals

There were many studies conducted to determine how immunization affects people with long-term COVID. The results of those studies have caused debate as they gave rise to varying outcomes. Some evidence indicates a change in, an improvement in, a continuation of, or even a worsening of long-term COVID symptoms following vaccination. The ratio of change in antibody titers was noticeably larger in the group of people whose illnesses became worse. Hence, this study aimed to explore potential post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PCVS) in vaccinated individuals and also to assess their quality of life (QoL).

AZD1222® vaccine was received by 84.28% (343) of the participants, and BBV152® vaccine was received by 15.72% (64) of the study participants. A month after the primary vaccination series, 52.8% (215) of the total participants had at least 1 PCVS, 39.8% (162) at 6 months, and 64.6% (263) at 12 months. Among those who had received vaccinations, the QoL increased at 6 months to 0.975 ± 0.08 and declined at 12 months to 0.94 ± 0.13 from 0.949 ± 0.13 at 1 month after receiving a primary immunization. The overall prevalence of PCVS between AZD1222®-vaccinated individuals and BBV152®-vaccinated individuals at a month post-vaccination was 54.5% vs. 43.8%, at 6 months it was 41.1% vs. 32.8%, and at 12 months it was 65.59% vs. 59.4%. The QoL between AZD1222®-vaccinated individuals and BBV152®-vaccinated individuals at a month post-vaccination was 0.95 ± 0.13 vs. 0.95 ± 0.126, at 6 months it was 0.98 ± 0.08 vs. 0.97 ± 0.07, and at 12 months it was 0.94 ± 0.12 vs. 0.92 ± 0.20. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of PCVS and QoL between AZD1222® and BBV152®-vaccinated individuals.
The percentage of participants who had at least one PCVS was 83.9% (146) in the group that got booster doses and 50.2% (117) in the group that did not. The QoL was 0.9 ± 0.15 in the group receiving booster dosages and 0.96 ± 0.11 in the group not receiving them. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of PCVS and QoL between booster dose recipients and no booster dose recipients.
In the study, we observed the prevalence of PCVS and was similar to long-term COVID; it declined over time and increased following booster immunization. Contrary to PCVS prevalence, QoL rises with time and falls after booster doses. There is no difference in the prevalence of PCVS and the quality of life among AZD1222® and BBV152®.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Post-Vaccine Health Issues

More new studies are giving further evidence linking COVID-19 shots with health complications.
A March 2023 review published in the National Library of Medicine analyzed 81 articles that confirmed cardiovascular complications in 17,636 individuals who had taken an mRNA shot. The articles also reported 284 deaths.
Out of the 17,636 individuals, 17,192 of them had taken Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, while the remaining 444 received Moderna jabs.

“Thrombosis was frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine, followed by stroke, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and arrhythmia,” it said.

Thrombosis was found to be common among those who had taken the Pfizer vaccine. Stroke was common among Moderna vaccine recipients. While Pfizer reported 228 deaths, the Moderna group saw 56 deaths.

“The time between the vaccination dosage and the first symptom onset averaged 5.6 and 4.8 days with the mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine and BNT162b2 (Pfizer).”

 U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (center), receives one of the new COVID-19 vaccines at a CVS in Washington, on Sept. 20, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (center), receives one of the new COVID-19 vaccines at a CVS in Washington, on Sept. 20, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In a Nov. 11 Substack post, cardiologist Peter A. McCullough claimed that the study pointed to “a cardiovascular safety disaster.” He said that 50 or more deaths with a widely used, novel product usually “prompts a worldwide recall.”
“To have 284 well-described deaths as a result of cardiovascular and or thrombotic complications is a striking finding in the medical literature for products that are still on the market and promoted by public health agencies all over the world.”

A preprint study published this month at medRxiv found that the most common chronic symptoms among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine were excessive fatigue, brain fog, numbness, neuropathy, and exercise intolerance.
At least half the participants also reported dizziness, burning sensations, tinnitus, headache, insomnia, palpitations, and myalgia (muscle pain and aches). Study participants reported a median of 22 symptoms.

The study was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Collaborative COVID-19 Initiative.

Genotoxicity Risks
Concerns about the ill effects of COVID-19 vaccines have reached Congress. In a Nov. 13 hearing in Washington convened by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Dr. Robert Malone testified that DNA fragments have been detected in the Pfizer vaccine.
Dr. Malone helped invent the mRNA technology used in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines like the one from Pfizer. He revealed that the vaccine contains a DNA sequence called SV40 and that this information was not disclosed to at least a few regulators.

The presence of SV40 in the vaccine is a “proven genotoxicity risk,” he warned. Genotoxicity refers to the ability of harmful substances to damage the genetic information in cells.

He suggested that the unusual cancers that have been popping off since the rollout of the vaccines could be due to the presence of these DNA fragments.
“And by the way, these DNA fragments may also be shown to contribute to genetic anomalies in fetus[es], which is one of the most prominent causes of premature abortion,” he said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax to children as young as six months old, insisting that these are necessary to “protect against serious illness from COVID-19.”
Even with vaccination, there is no guarantee that a person would avoid infection. U.S. government files recently obtained by The Epoch Times showed that more than 5 million COVID-19 infections in 2021 actually occurred among vaccinated individuals.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Post-Vaccine Health Issues

More new studies are giving further evidence linking COVID-19 shots with health complications.
A March 2023 review published in the National Library of Medicine analyzed 81 articles that confirmed cardiovascular complications in 17,636 individuals who had taken an mRNA shot. The articles also reported 284 deaths.
Out of the 17,636 individuals, 17,192 of them had taken Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, while the remaining 444 received Moderna jabs.

“Thrombosis was frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine, followed by stroke, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and arrhythmia,” it said.

Thrombosis was found to be common among those who had taken the Pfizer vaccine. Stroke was common among Moderna vaccine recipients. While Pfizer reported 228 deaths, the Moderna group saw 56 deaths.

“The time between the vaccination dosage and the first symptom onset averaged 5.6 and 4.8 days with the mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine and BNT162b2 (Pfizer).”

 U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (center), receives one of the new COVID-19 vaccines at a CVS in Washington, on Sept. 20, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (center), receives one of the new COVID-19 vaccines at a CVS in Washington, on Sept. 20, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In a Nov. 11 Substack post, cardiologist Peter A. McCullough claimed that the study pointed to “a cardiovascular safety disaster.” He said that 50 or more deaths with a widely used, novel product usually “prompts a worldwide recall.”
“To have 284 well-described deaths as a result of cardiovascular and or thrombotic complications is a striking finding in the medical literature for products that are still on the market and promoted by public health agencies all over the world.”

A preprint study published this month at medRxiv found that the most common chronic symptoms among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine were excessive fatigue, brain fog, numbness, neuropathy, and exercise intolerance.
At least half the participants also reported dizziness, burning sensations, tinnitus, headache, insomnia, palpitations, and myalgia (muscle pain and aches). Study participants reported a median of 22 symptoms.

The study was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Collaborative COVID-19 Initiative.

Genotoxicity Risks
Concerns about the ill effects of COVID-19 vaccines have reached Congress. In a Nov. 13 hearing in Washington convened by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Dr. Robert Malone testified that DNA fragments have been detected in the Pfizer vaccine.
Dr. Malone helped invent the mRNA technology used in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines like the one from Pfizer. He revealed that the vaccine contains a DNA sequence called SV40 and that this information was not disclosed to at least a few regulators.

The presence of SV40 in the vaccine is a “proven genotoxicity risk,” he warned. Genotoxicity refers to the ability of harmful substances to damage the genetic information in cells.

He suggested that the unusual cancers that have been popping off since the rollout of the vaccines could be due to the presence of these DNA fragments.
“And by the way, these DNA fragments may also be shown to contribute to genetic anomalies in fetus[es], which is one of the most prominent causes of premature abortion,” he said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax to children as young as six months old, insisting that these are necessary to “protect against serious illness from COVID-19.”
Even with vaccination, there is no guarantee that a person would avoid infection. U.S. government files recently obtained by The Epoch Times showed that more than 5 million COVID-19 infections in 2021 actually occurred among vaccinated individuals.
I brought up these kinds of issues while talking to a nurse, and that there is an unexplained rise in these health concerns and related deaths. Her reply was "Yes-- I've been reading some of that-- clearly they don't know everything about how that COVID virus affects all body systems." She could not admit it's the "VACCINE"-- and insisted it HAS to be the virus. To disqualify that argument, they need to identify a population sample of people who got the job and did NOT get COVID.