Known around here
No port forwarding, at least with Cumulus MX. My davis is not connected to my network, it is connected to a Raspberry Pi, which is on the network. There is a setup screen built into Cumulus that already has everything setup for you to connect your data packet to the Home weather station Networks. It is a "push" system, and sends a packet either every minute, 5 minutes, whatever you setup. Just just need to individually sign up with each service to get a User password and username. Sometimes, they issue a API key. Some weather stations have wifi built in and they have to be connected, which usually you will also pay a monthly fee to connect to their cloud service.Thinking of doing this but need to research it a little. Like what brands to consider, options, etc.
To send the data to those services, obviously one needs to connect the weather station to your home LAN and have it connect to the internet. Is there any security considerations with that equipment having internet access? Like port forwarding or something else?