@Cyph i can understand that you were thinking that the hfw5431 is not bad. I don´t know where you bought them,
@nayr only compares the price to aliexpress.

Of course the cheapest way to get them, but it´s not for every customer wanted. In the real world the new starlights are double the price and difficult to get. Of course, for this price i need to expect much more quality, and this is for this generation guaranteed.
For the night picture you forget to see the differences between indoor (much moor reflection of ir / outdoor is much more difficult) for only 3m to outside at 10m and now you need to look on moving objects. If you pimp your hfw4431 with an external ir spot, you will get a much better picture, but it´s still not so clear as the picture of the sony exmore starlight sensor. The night difference it really big. I also own a HFW4431 with fixed focus and aperature of only 2.0 and external power ir led 9w. I got this cam for cheap 70 dollars, for no security purposes it´s for me ok.
There are many other purposes, where these cheaper ones are good to use, except security solutions

Or with other words, if the user knows the disadvantages, it´s his decision what he is willing to pay.