I was looking at buying a junction box to make my IP cameras connections in to seal from the weather. The camera is on on a wood pole the junction box below it.
The junction box uses NPT 1/2 cable glands that is still to big for a single cat5e cable so how does one make it water tight? I can't find a cable glands 1/2 that goes down to the size of a single cat5e cable.
And if you go to small the network connector from the IP camera wont fit through the hole.
The junction box uses NPT 1/2 cable glands that is still to big for a single cat5e cable so how does one make it water tight? I can't find a cable glands 1/2 that goes down to the size of a single cat5e cable.
And if you go to small the network connector from the IP camera wont fit through the hole.