I've been away a whole, as my system has been fairly stable, but I have encountered a little problem I could use some help with.
So, I was given a couple of IP cameras that were previously installed on another system. I am trying to get them connected on mine, but their IP addresses are different.
I also am using a different laptop than I had used when I configured my cameras last time, so the browser configuration is where I am hitting a wall. On my current desktop system, I use Pale Moon to access the NVR. From my memory, there was a plugin or something that required this particular browser. No problem, it works.
But the "new" camera and the laptop are a different problem.
I have connected the camera to the laptop and used a network utility and have determined the address of the new camera is I have modified my network settings on my laptop to allow me to directly access the camera.
But when I do, it says that I need a plugin. It says "please install the plug". I initially had started with chrome. and installed the WEBconfig.exe program the camera linked to in the message. After the installation, it did not change the message. I tried again with Microsoft Edge, and included a reboot. No change.
Then, I remembered Pale Moon, so I installed it on the laptop, tried to access the camera, and was presented with the plug message again. So, I clicked the link and ran webconfig.exe one more time, but in Pale moon this time. But, it still says I need the plug when I try to get to the camera interface.
What am I missing?
So, I was given a couple of IP cameras that were previously installed on another system. I am trying to get them connected on mine, but their IP addresses are different.
I also am using a different laptop than I had used when I configured my cameras last time, so the browser configuration is where I am hitting a wall. On my current desktop system, I use Pale Moon to access the NVR. From my memory, there was a plugin or something that required this particular browser. No problem, it works.
But the "new" camera and the laptop are a different problem.
I have connected the camera to the laptop and used a network utility and have determined the address of the new camera is I have modified my network settings on my laptop to allow me to directly access the camera.
But when I do, it says that I need a plugin. It says "please install the plug". I initially had started with chrome. and installed the WEBconfig.exe program the camera linked to in the message. After the installation, it did not change the message. I tried again with Microsoft Edge, and included a reboot. No change.
Then, I remembered Pale Moon, so I installed it on the laptop, tried to access the camera, and was presented with the plug message again. So, I clicked the link and ran webconfig.exe one more time, but in Pale moon this time. But, it still says I need the plug when I try to get to the camera interface.
What am I missing?