Police Helicopter Ride Along - Day or Night?


Known around here
May 14, 2019
Somehow, I managed to find myself facing a Police Helicopter Patrol ride along

Should I choose a day or night time to do it? I've already seen the city from a chopper in the day, so I'm thinking night. Is night cool in a chopper?
Night seems like it would be cooler and more going on. They have great night vision here. With all of the IR my house must look like Las Vegas in the distance.
Daytime = safer; see cars, buildings, houses, trees. IOW, Interesting! Ideal for topography buffs.
Nightime = not as safe; action, thrills, entertaining. IOW, Fun! Ideal for gamers. :cool:

Just my take. My chopper ride at night was across the bay from San Francisco Airport to Oakland and was a commercial passenger transport so somewhat boring, couldn't see anything but water. Daytime would have been more stuff to see in that instance BUT....it was not a police chopper, so...:idk:
Somehow, I managed to find myself facing a Police Helicopter Patrol ride along

Should I choose a day or night time to do it? I've already seen the city from a chopper in the day, so I'm thinking night. Is night cool in a chopper?

Night time is when all the fast and furious stuff happens ..
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