1) Completed the NIC and both now have the same subnet
2) Could never change the camera's IP address from 192.168.1.xxx to 192.168.0.xxx using WebService tool.
With every combination below received same error at Save, "IP address and default Gateway are not in the same network segment" and of course Save did not take.
Variations attempted:
- Internet connected, switch direct to router
- Internet connected, switch to NIC2 (couldn't access camera to even make change)
- No Internet, camera direct to PC in NIC1
- No internet, camera direct to PC in NIC2 (couldn't access camera to even make change)
One thing I noticed on Webservice, "Default Gateway" for the camera is the router address, and it can't be left blank like NIC2. What I didn't try was going into NIC2 and put a fake gateway which was the barest minimum (not all zeros) that Webservice would allow. That is assuming Windows 10 wouldn't reject the fake gateway. What do you think.