Profile specific pre-trigger frame buffer size


Mar 24, 2015
Reaction score
One cameras (HIKVision DS-2CD2032) points towards my driveway from over my garage door, and there is a fairly large tree on the west side. Sunny and windy days generate a lot of moving shadows for this camera - my other cameras don't have this issue. In my "DayLight" profile, I have BI Video configured for 10 fps, Motion/Trigger if motion occurs for 1.4 seconds, and have slightly reduced the motion sensitivity, and want a larger pre-trigger frame buffer size for this profile compared with other profiles. On the Record tab for this camera, can I configure a different pre-trigger frame buffer size for a specific profile, and if so how? I am using BI version x64


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
One cameras (HIKVision DS-2CD2032) points towards my driveway from over my garage door, and there is a fairly large tree on the west side. Sunny and windy days generate a lot of moving shadows for this camera - my other cameras don't have this issue. In my "DayLight" profile, I have BI Video configured for 10 fps, Motion/Trigger if motion occurs for 1.4 seconds, and have slightly reduced the motion sensitivity, and want a larger pre-trigger frame buffer size for this profile compared with other profiles. On the Record tab for this camera, can I configure a different pre-trigger frame buffer size for a specific profile, and if so how? I am using BI version x64
The pre-trigger time is not affected by can email support and ask for that function...
What you can do is create another identical cloned camera with a longer pretigger...and have that camera active during the daytime and the other camera active during the nightime profile..
Or, simply leave the longer pretrigger for both..
Your long trigger time may result in missed motion detection...its always better to have too much than too little...if you are concerned about false alerts, you can simply setup a duplicate camera for alerts only and increase the can hide this camera so you dont see both on the screen.