Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

As posted above, this will not make the msm.

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Why would it? Who controls the MSM? The same people who broadcast fake Russian Collusion for four years non stop, the letter from 51 former intelligence officials, the Wuhan Flu didn't come from a lab leak because Trump first called it, etc.?
Pre-Obummer, this country was quite united. Post 9/11, people really pulled together. But 8 years of BO being the divider-in-chief made things go downhill. He began playing the 'race card' to divide the country. Remember that guy in MA that complained about the police and BO sided with him without any research. Then the truth came out that the guy had lied. Then the George Zimmerman/Travon Martin case came up and BO said "If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon". He really excelled at using division to score points with the left.

But then Trump happened, and the left went into panic mode. Everything became racist. Antifa had so much fun burning and rioting while the left news media called it mostly peaceful and the left politicians positioned themselves against the conservatives and Christians, blaming them for everything that was wrong, even when nothing was wrong. Remember Clinton calling over half of the US population a basket of deplorables?

Now Bidim has used every aspect of humanity to divide. No longer is it just about race or political leaning. Sexual orientation, gender, pedophilia, COVID beliefs, grooming of children, the border crisis, men can be women, men can have babies, climate change, views on self-defense, etc. (Iam sure I missed a lot), are all now issues that can be used to divide everyone for political gain.

Frankly I am so tired of it all.
^Exactly. Between that and the Ferguson shooting, if Obama came out and made a plea to his followers to stop perpetuating the stereotype and don't run when approached by a police officer, society would be a lot better off. Instead he basically encouraged folks to run from the police.

Almost every single incident of an officer involved shooting centers around the person not obeying police orders and getting hostile or trying to flee or anything other than just cooperating. Heck most of these events that caused them to get stopped by the police were not even jail offenses and they lost their life over simply not obeying a command.

White folk that flee get shot and killed too but that never makes the news and more whites are killed by police than blacks and that never makes the news either.....doesn't fit their narrative.

And it just gets better...
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It's going to cost California over 800 billion dollars......I wonder who is going to bail California out when they keep budgeting in the deep red for year after year??
Nah...It just means I don't care what you do in your house, just as well as you don't care what I do in my house. In other words: Keep your mental illness to yourself unless I ask, drama queens.

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Exactly ..

Furthermore, clear that they have no issues calling / labelling me a racist, gender phobic, nazi, person with privilege, descendant of a slave owner .. and so forth .. none which I identify as, yet .. I sense a double standard.

and yes .. "I am not an ally, nor a friend .. " if you are not an ally nor friend to me .. simple