Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

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Apparently, this is how dumb a UNITED STATES ATTORNEY is.

Libs are the party of intolerance and destruction. Easily triggered.

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“The Republicans inculcate, with whatever of ability they can, that the negro is a man; that his bondage is cruelly wrong, and that the field of his oppression ought not to be enlarged.”

“The Democrats deny his manhood; deny, or dwarf to insignificance, the wrong of his bondage; so far as possible, crush all sympathy for him, and cultivate and excite hatred and disgust against him; compliment themselves as Union-savers for doing so; and call the indefinite outspreading of his bondage “a sacred right of self-government.”
June 26, 1857 – 166 years ago today–
Abraham Lincoln condemns the Democrat Party for their pro-slavery policies.
Ever wonder how we got Dan Quayle from Arizona?
Ever wonder where the Air America airbase where all the coke came in?
Which future president was head of the Culinary Institute of America then?

Just some more "deals" by those in charge..