Known around here
He, She, They... gets typical progressive leftist at around the 30 minute mark when the official school meeting ends.
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They say don't leave valuables in parked cars in San Francisco. Rep. Adam Schiff didn't listen
San Francisco has earned an unwelcome national reputation for car burglaries that U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff was reminded of the hard way: The Democratic congressman had his luggage swiped from his car while it was parked in a downtown garage. With his formal clothing gone, Schiff ended up at a...www.yahoo.com
Wow .. also wondering if there are no longer education tests and GPA requirements to get into colleges and universities .. these people just do not get it.
Our daughter is getting to the age where she is thinking about college. She has wanted to be a livestock vet ever since she was 3 or 4 and working livestock with me.
Her (and our) biggest criteria right now is to find a college and university which isn't woke.
He, She, They... gets typical progressive leftist at around the 30 minute mark when the official school meeting ends.