Rather than being stupid,how about they might be blind and unthinking?
So, by the same token, because my forefathers came to this country in the past 120 or so years where there hasn't been slavery, I shouldn't have to pay, either.
It's simply pandering, nothing else.
How about one of my forefathers (a direct line) and two of his sons who fought and, all three of which, died fighting with the Union Army. What does that do to my status?
Seattle Mandates $4.99 Fee On Uber Eats 'To Help Drivers', Deliveries Crash 45%
Seattle Mandates $4.99 Fee On Uber Eats 'To Help Drivers', Deliveries Crash 45% | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
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The United spokesperson (note I said "person" not "man" or "woman) can't even get their story right about why Longoria was kicked off the plan..."too many carry on items" or "using the wrong pronoun".The leftist sickos are out of their minds.
Texas mom claims she was kicked off United plane for accidentally misgendering flight attendant
A Texas woman traveling with her 16-month-old son and mother claims she was kicked off her flight home Wednesday after she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant. Jenna Longoria, a women’…nypost.com