Why, hell....why even show up for class then. ...just close the schools because they have no more practical reason for being in existence. The school district can save money on teacher's salaries, electricity, water, building maintenance and so forth, then transfer the $$$$ saved to another dept. to pay their illiterate, unskilled dumb-asses unemployment while they camp out in the parents' basements watching TV all day until those parents get fed up and boot their lazy 25 year old asses out into the street.Liberal “progressives” are hell bent on making sure that their children are even more ignorant and stupid than they are.
Oregon students shouldn’t have to prove they can write or do math to get a diploma, lawmakers decide
A bill to prohibit Oregon schools from requiring students to show they can read, write and do math at a basic high school level is headed to Gov. Kate Brown after lawmakers gave final approval Wednesday.www.oregonlive.com
BIPOC? That's a load of HSIAB......Horse Shit In A Bucket."Because vaccination access and hesitancy looks different across racial lines, vaccination requirements create a barrier to educational access that will disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)," the school said.
Pentagon Leader: Accusations of Military Being ‘Woke’ Are ‘Offensive,’
Poor baby. When he's in a shooting war and the other side says they're offended by being shot at, will he surrender? What about all the normal people offended by the crap they're doing?
Thousands of people? How many actually entered? Couple of hundred, max? I am really sick of them calling it 'The Insurrection' or 'The Capitol Riot'. If it was an 'insurrection' then why does a lot of video form inside the building show people sitting on the floor on their cell phones? Police come though and say, 'hey you need to leave soon' as opposed to arresting the folks. Walking peacefully within the roped off areas. Why was the only person that was killed a protester? Why was no lawmaker ever in any danger what so ever? Why was no lawmaker ever even injured? By all MSM coverage of other protests in 2020, why was this not called a 'Mostly Peaceful' protest? No fires were lit. No protesters fired shots. No protesters stabbed anyone."......I want to understand white rage, and I’m white,” he said, referencing the January 6 Capitol riot. “What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?”
It is probably reasonably accurate. Over the last 15,000 years, the earth has been coming out of the last ice age. Of course sea level will rise. But has 2mm per year or 3.9" from 2000 through 2017 been of any consequence? If the building was built so close to sea level that less than 4" brought it down, then the planning and permitting agency is way at fault here. Hurricane storm surge is on the order of tens of feet. Four inches is nothing.I wonder if that sea level rise claim is legit, or if it's just some creative measuring, similar to creative statistics?
The Trailer for 'Karen' Is So Cringey It May Be Fatal
I need to speak to the manager of Hollywood.www.esquire.com
California to Require Masks in Schools Regardless of Vaccination Status, Despite CDC Guidance | National Review
State officials said that mandating masks for all would ensure that unvaccinated individuals do not feel they are being treated unfairly.www.nationalreview.com