Yea, elementary school zones.Say what you want about Disney employees, but at least they drive slow through school zones. /sarc off
You can’t make this shit up, omg.This mom, who is raising a boy to be a girl, says she came out as queer while married to her husband who proclaims to be a Christian priest of the Lutheran faith...
(.) be/51BVO1ejKL0
Rewriting reality to fit the Marxist narrative, that Whites are the ultimate and only ever racists... (commercial 1:42 to 2:50)
Citing Racism, Washington State Bans The Word ‘Marijuana’ From All State Laws | The Daily Wire
View attachment 126182
Appears High Times hasn't yet got the notice: Searching for marijuana | High Times Magazine
Marijuana (word) - Wikipedia
Melanie Morgan (politician) - Wikipedia
Morgan sponsored House bill 1016 to designate June 19 ("Juneteenth") as a state holiday.
It's funny because it's true....This guy keeps moving up my like ladder every day!
View attachment 126655
It just hit me! Elon should buy AOC!
But that is a rental, I am talking about a purchase!I don't think he goes for $25 hookers though.
Does this count, I fell asleep in the birthing room after my son was born and my “then” wife almost killed me?
Why not, he’s already had Amber. Might as well make it a twofer.It just hit me! Elon should buy AOC!
Why not, he’s already had Amber. Might as well make it a twofer.
Amber Heard dated Elon Musk while trying to reconcile with Johnny Depp, agent says
‘You told me a thousand times you were just filling space’ Christian Carino told Heard after break-up with Tesla