Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

Not that I really give a shit about the Topic, but since most of you seem to spend endless hours "Barking up the tree" at "Gayness", here's a Link for a really long list of "Trees" you can bark up...;) I highly suspect some of those vintage Plastic Pink Flamingo's were up to no good too when you weren't lookin'...

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This country was founded on the principles of Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Now that the libs have taken God out of everything and perverted everything is when the U.S.A started to go tits up.
This country was founded on the principles of Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Now that the libs have taken God out of everything and perverted everything is when the U.S.A started to go tits up.
Also the term “Separation of Church and State” was never in any written laws. The far left has twisted this to extreme. A prime example of rewriting history with a slanted narrative. It was in a sentence in a 1802 letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to a group of men of the Danbury Baptist Association. And it really was about protecting religious liberties…

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

The two letters.…
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This country was founded on the principles of Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Now that the libs have taken God out of everything and perverted everything is when the U.S.A started to go tits up.

I completely agree. When you do not believe in God, or a higher power, what do you believe in? There is no right or wrong at that point. The moral compass is broken.
If an earthquake or tidal wave did it, their blind ignorance would still cause them to blame their enemies. Their brainwashing and indoctrination to the satanic inversion is that strong. These people are mentally ill.
Why? Because you are a socialist f****g cow constantly playing the race card, that's why.

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She can leave to the utopia she feels she is missing. Leave to the better utopia that she currently feels she does not live in.

It must be tough making a base salary of $80,000+ writing the occasional articles for the NYT from the comfort of any location in the world. And, the easily, twice that amount for speaking engagements. It will always be hard.
This country was founded on the principles of Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Now that the libs have taken God out of everything and perverted everything is when the U.S.A started to go tits up.
Interesting contradiction there. One the one hand you have your "God", who created all the known Universe (maybe Multiverses too...), "all powerful" and all that. On the other hand, apparently we "libs" are so powerful we can throw him out on his own all powerful ass. You'd think that somewhere along the line this "all powerful" guy would have actually showed up. Must have a scheduling conflict... Its little wonder that Trumps of the world find the "Religious" so useful as a political tool, they'll believe anything, and when their Miracles fail to appear, the excuse is "its God's will", or "God works in mysterious ways...".
Now if we "libs" having all that Power, have thrown Him out "here", maybe Iran, Syria, etc. is the place for you, since they're really big on that stuff. You could even join their "Morality Police"...

SO .. let's do some basic fact checking ..

"We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent. .. "

iirc MOST Nations in the world were founded on Violence ..

Spain .. yep .. see Reconquista ..
UK .. yep .. see Game of Thrones ..
Germany .. yep .. why do you think the British monarchs have German Roots? ( House of Hanover ) .. because all of those German Principalities which used to exist prior to the creation of Germany provided an ample pool of Royal blood ..

France .. yep .. guillotine ..

China .. PRC .. I see lots of Dead people ..

Turkey .. yup .. Armenians know this story well ..

Saudi Arabia .. yup ..

Russia .. yep .. still doing it even ..

Most of Eastern European states

Japan .. yep .. ask the Ainu

Zulu Kingdom .. yep ..

seriously, if you dig through history it is loaded with violence ..

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I cannot even begin to form words for this hypocrisy.

Perhaps our representative in the US Government should review their breeches to their Oath of Office, as I see a lot of Oath Breakers .. destroying the US Constitution .. as well as the numerous promises they've made in office ..