Can't for the life of me get frigate mqtt topic 'frigate/living/person/snapshot' in nodered to send the snapshot to my pushover api (without using homassistant)
I've used telegram in nodered for ages and get snaphots but want to use the same method to send to my pushover.
Same flow just sends a buffer load of digits. Tried scouring the internet and trying various conversions to noavail.
Can anyone suggest a fairly simple nodered flow from frigate mqtt to send the alert snapshots to pushover?
I've used telegram in nodered for ages and get snaphots but want to use the same method to send to my pushover.
Same flow just sends a buffer load of digits. Tried scouring the internet and trying various conversions to noavail.
Can anyone suggest a fairly simple nodered flow from frigate mqtt to send the alert snapshots to pushover?