Question regarding Paypal

TBH it's highly unlikely they got to your bank account through Paypal unless you were one of the customers in the security breach. Far more likely you either gave the details out to a related site or they were stolen by a Trojan.

Either way, I manage it differently. I have a 2nd current A/C I keep specially for ebay. The balance in this I keep around £20 only and will only transfer more money in if immediately needed for a payment. Anything I receive for selling is immediately transferred out elsewhere also. The result is, even if my details were stolen, the most they can get is £20 as there's only ever more in there for a a minute or two at the most. For the risk of that £20, I have all the convenience of the connected account.
The payment was made via PayPal which in turn took the money from my account which is why I had to chase via PayPal and get them to investigate and refund.
Yes I understand.

What I'm saying is I've set up a current account specially for Paypal only and I keep a maximum balance of £20 in there only increasing it moments before making a payment or if receiving a payment, transferring it out to another account once it arrives. The result is that if hackers get a hold of my bank a/c details, they can only access a maximum of £20. I'd also spot it immediately because of the £20 balance and the lack of any other transactions that take place..
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Hmmm, use paypal is safe and safe for international transaction, and easy for me to do some discount, Transaction cost is cheaper than Amazon, but amazon has better return policy than paypal. Buy from us, normally we can process well for the warranty or return based not like it, just make them at good condition is fine. Then i can change a new one at factory, or else have to drop it, so that is why amazon sell higher. Last time we get a guy return 10 HDW5231R-ZE without any reasons at amazon...but this is business. ;):facepalm: