Questions about using camera's motion detection with Blue Iris?


Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
I have a cube and a turret Hikvision camera. I've been thinking about the option of using the in camera motion detection with blue iris, partly to offload some cpu processing to the cameras, and partly for some of the advanced motion detection like line crossing. After much reading, there are a couple specific questions I'm not quite certain about, that I hope someone can help with.

1) Is the correct method to accomplish this by checking the "Notify Surveillance Center" option in the camera, and then on blue iris checking the "Trigger using camera's digital input or motion"?

2) Does "Trigger Channel" serve any purpose for this application or for Blue Iris in general?
Having trouble finding exactly what this does, the manual says it begins recording when motion is detected, but I'm guessing this only is for the hikvision specifically, like if it was recording to a NAS or sd card?

3) When the trigger/notify event happens. Is there any way to check this on the camera to see that it is triggered?
I know with the hardware I/O ports, you can check their status by going to to view the status in the XML file, but I can't find the same thing to show when the notification that gets sent to Blue Iris is triggered.

4) How can you tell in general when motion is triggered on the Hikvision cam?
I see no visual indication of any kind on the screen, and "Enable Dynamic Analysis of motion" simply does not seem to work, and I couldn't find the proper section in the XML files to show when it is triggered. On my cube camera there is an audible alarm, so I can use that for testing, but for the turret camera I'm not seeing any way to actually know when it is triggered (other than I suppose actually having it record video to Blue Iris, which isn't necessarily ideal for tweaking settings).I have a cube and a turret Hikvision camera. I've been thinking about the option of using the in camera motion detection with blue iris, partly to offload some cpu processing to the cameras, and partly for some of the advanced motion detection like line crossing. After much reading, there are a couple specific questions I'm not quite certain about, that I hope someone can help with.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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You will not be able to do this with the turret.. Only hikvision cameras that have a physical alarm out will work... There is a link with instructions in several posts.. I'm on my phone so I'll post the link later if you can't find it .

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Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for the tip, I would not have expected the turret not to work for this. I may have found one of the threads, at least relating to using the PIR sensor

So just to clarify, the physical alarm out triggers not only the physical relay, but also this is specifically what Blue Iris picks up? Meaning the "Notify Surveillance Center" has no use at all? I'm stilll a little confused whether "trigger channel" underneath of normal linkage is important, or if the only thing to worry about is "Trigger alarm output" with "A -> 1" selected. I'm sure I can experiment myself for this, but figured I would ask in case anyone already knows.