This will be the 'downgrade block' being activated as firmware newer than 5.4.5 has been installed.I try to flash but , digicap package error,
Best not do that, various reasons why it would not work.I can somehow insert this firmware into Winhex and then write to nand?
Можно попробовать пересобрать прошивку, чтобы произошел даунгрейд и обновилось ниже чем 5.5.0 и тогда возможно, можно немного надеяться, что в то время были устройства без этого чипа и данный брались из флеша.IPC_R6_EN_STD_5.3.8_151224 - digicap package error!!!ret=-1
IPC_R6_EN_STD_5.4.0_160401 - digicap package error!!!ret=-1
IPC_R6_EN_STD_5.5.0_170725 - Ok
IPC_R6_EN_STD_5.5.82_190220 - Ok
You can try rebuilding the firmware so that a downgrade occurs and is updated lower than 5.5.0, and then maybe you can hope a little that at that time there were devices without this chip and this one was taken from a flash.
What you downloaded there without a chip is a possible recovery mode, therefore without a reboot.
Try updating with any received firmware so that a normal start occurs.
So there will be a little more information.
As a sporting interest, and as a colleague pointed out above, you can try to patch the firmware by stuffing a ready-made decryption unit and paying off all other calls.
And since I bought it just as non-working, then still do not throw it away, but feel free to spare parts
Вот с этого пункта по подробней если можно.Можно попробовать пересобрать прошивку,
Here from this point in more detail if possible.You can try rebuilding the firmware
чтото я не правильно делаю . В линуксе я 0 ,но учусьdrgem@drgem-ubuntu:~/Hikvision/hikpack_2.5$ ./hikpack -t r6 -x digicap.dav -o contents
bash: ./hikpack: Отказано в доступе
drgem@drgem-ubuntu:~/Hikvision/hikpack_2.5$ sudo ./hikpack -t r6 -x digicap.dav -o contents
[sudo] пароль для drgem:
sudo: ./hikpack: команда не найдена