Raspbery Pi2 Camera Monitor w/Rpisurv

it's an http but not a rtsp
That doesn't matter. The majority of IP-Cams use RTSP - thats why we always start there.

This is the sample from the surveillance.yml to use:

- url: "http://<ip or dnsname>:<port>/suffix"

<port> should be 80
suffix should be /videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]

- url: ""

Pay attention to the spaces in front of - url: They are important. Bestway to copy from " to " and then change admin and myadminpassword.
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maybe i should first update the program because i still have the first version on the pi and it might not work with the http streams
Yes you should upgrade for the new features!

But it is not necessary for http streams - they work since version 1.

What you mean is this new feature :show random images from an accessible URL instead of a camerastream
Many webcamproviders just publish a JPEG or PNG file every minute or so, which always has the same filename.
With this option Rpisurv will control, whether the picture has changed.
- url: "https://images.rpisurv.net/example.png"
          #To specify this url is not a camera stream but an image stream please set imageurl to true for this url
          imageurl: true
when I put the stream in the yml, the pi gives no image
I have tried many different ones but no image
they do work with vlc player
I guess it will work with Rpisurv. One of th following streams listed von the link will most likely work.Link
I wouldn’t buy it for two reasons: WLAN I don’t find if it has LAN as well?
There are many threats in this forum, telling you not to use WLAN.
I wouldn‘t buy a Cam with 720p in 2020.

Have you solved your problem from July?
Sorry but you mixed everything.
Read my post:
That doesn't matter. The majority of IP-Cams use RTSP - thats why we always start there.

This is the sample from the surveillance.yml to use:

- url: "http://<ip or dnsname>:<port>/suffix"

<port> should be 80
suffix should be /videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]

- url: ""

Pay attention to the spaces in front of - url: They are important. Bestway to copy from " to " and then change admin and myadminpassword.
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Your syntax does not exist (- http_url:...)

try that:

- url: "http://192.168.xx.xx/videostream.asf?user=Username&pwd=Password&resolution=64&rate=0"

Set instead of Username and Password your Username and your Password

If this doesn't work post the complete surveillance.yml here or at Rpisurv which is the offical support forum.
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#These are the rtsp streams you want the program to display
#The streams will be displayed in the order you present them here
#Foscam-fi9821w example
- rtsp_url: "rtsp:/home:...........@"
#- url: ""
#- rtsp_url: "rtsp:/home:..........@"
#- rtsp_url: "rtsp:/home:..........@"
#- rtsp_url: "rtsp:/home:..........@"

#How many columns you want the program to use, it will autocalculate the amount of row needed based on the resolution of your screen
nr_of_columns: "2"

#Autostretching makes sures all of your pixels will be uses to display streams, so you have a maximum surveillance area.
#But this will probably destroy the aspect ratio of your last stream.
#autostretch: False

#rpisurv detects the connectable streams on startup,
#if this option is enabled it will keep the first calculated layout for the lifetime of the rpisurv running even if some cameras go down and come up, instead of redrawing the screen
#When this option is set to True, rpisurv ignores all cameras configured that were not connectable when rpisurv was started
keep_first_screen_layout: False

#!!!Normal users do not need to edit this section!!!
##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed width of all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available width, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_width: 500

##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed height for all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available height, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_height: 500

#Rpisurv sends usage stats to it's statistics server to give the rpisurv community an idea how widespread this software is being used
#No performance impact is measured when using this option, no sensitive data is being sent. All data is anonymised.
#By default this is false
#update_stats: False

#By default rpisurv checks every 25 seconds if it needs to redraw the screen
#interval_check_status: 25

#By default rpisurv will check memory usage, set to False to skip memory usage check
#memory_usage_check: True

#These are fallbacks if autodection fails;
#Normally you do not need to configure these
width: "1920"
height: "1080"
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OK - try this.
You have three cams:
  4. Duplicated 2. so you get a 4x4 grit.
Little comment on the ports.
I assume that at 1. & 2. the port 9002 and 9003 might be wrong. Try 554 for both of them or have a look in the administration of your cams what they have for rtsp.
3. doesn't need a port.

For function test try the url within the " " in VLC-Player before.

DON'T use TABS!!!!

#These are the rtsp streams you want the program to display
#The streams will be displayed in the order you present them here camera_streams:
#Foscam-fi9821w example
         - camera_streams:
               - url: "rtsp:/home:...........@"
               - url: ""
               - url: "rtsp:/home:..........@"
               - url: "rtsp:/home:..........@"
#How many columns you want the program to use, it will autocalculate the amount of row needed based on the resolution of your screen
nr_of_columns: "2"

#Autostretching makes sures all of your pixels will be uses to display streams, so you have a maximum surveillance area.
#But this will probably destroy the aspect ratio of your last stream.
#autostretch: False

#rpisurv detects the connectable streams on startup,
#if this option is enabled it will keep the first calculated layout for the lifetime of the rpisurv running even if some cameras go down and come up, instead of redrawing the screen
#When this option is set to True, rpisurv ignores all cameras configured that were not connectable when rpisurv was started
keep_first_screen_layout: False

#!!!Normal users do not need to edit this section!!!
##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed width of all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available width, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_width: 500

##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed height for all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available height, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_height: 500

#Rpisurv sends usage stats to it's statistics server to give the rpisurv community an idea how widespread this software is being used
#No performance impact is measured when using this option, no sensitive data is being sent. All data is anonymised.
#By default this is false
#update_stats: False

#By default rpisurv checks every 25 seconds if it needs to redraw the screen
#interval_check_status: 25

#By default rpisurv will check memory usage, set to False to skip memory usage check
#memory_usage_check: True

#These are fallbacks if autodection fails;
#Normally you do not need to configure these
width: "1920"
height: "1080"
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cameras with port ip 122 and 123 work but it is the cam with ip 124 that does not work and has no rtsp
the other cameras do have rtsp
but it also doesn't work with the new url