Raspbery Pi2 Camera Monitor w/Rpisurv

Thank you!!

Dual Hdmi support
This is awesome, been waiting on this for awhile. Now I can try using my RPi 4 again with dual displays. I appreciate your time/effort on this!!
I can't seem to edit the display1.yml file. I have setup samba using the following steps.

  1. In the console, type sudo apt install -y samba. This will install the Samba package.
  2. Once installed, type in sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf. The will open the file smb.conf in the console, ready for editing.
  3. We need to configure Samba to grant us access to the file system on the Raspberry Pi. At the bottom of the smb.conf file, add the following lines: [PiShare]
    comment=Pi Share
    only guest=no
    create mask=0740
    directory mask=0750

  4. Press Ctrl+X (control key and X key) to exit. When asked to save, press Yes.
  5. Now we need to create a Samba user for remote access. In the console type sudo smbpasswd -a pi. This will create the Samba user pi.
  6. Create a password for your Samba user. You will be prompted to re-enter that same password.

I can connect to the Pi via Windows and see a Pi and PiShare Folder after entering my samba password. I thought that I could then go to rpisurv\surveillance\config and edit the display1.yml but i am unable to save my changes. Just for the heck of it i tried on both the Pi and Pishare folder with the same results. A little help would be greatly appreciated.

One thing I find odd is the ReadMe says to edit the Display1.yml file in the following location. /etc/rpisurv. I can't find that location. Only place I see display1.ymail is in the rpisurv\surveillance\config location.
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I'm really not clear why you went to the trouble of installing and configuring samba to edit what is essentially a configuration file, which by and large is going to be static once configured... regardless.

The reason you can't save the changes is due to the fact that the samba user is not the 'owner' of the file, thus only has read permission. Additionally the share you have set-up has no path to the file you want to edit, further it would be a security risk to expose the /etc/rpisurv folder as a samba share... even if you did, you would still have the same file ownership issues anyway.

sudo nano /etc/rpisurv/display1.yml

The simple command above over ssh would allow you accomplish the same thing and would not add the overhead of running a samba server.
I tried using SFTP SSH and I am able to connect. I can go to etc/rpisurv I then can open the yml file but I can't edit it. I am using my user pi to connect. I assume this is a permission issue again. If I use the command sudo nano it does open the yml in putty but it is very difficult to edit it.
I don't have an instance of rpisurv running at the moment to check, but I'm pretty sure you have no way using sudo over sftp. You can still copy paste in nano over ssh.
Yep its a permission issue. No sudo command with CyberDuck over SFTP Is there not a way to give pi user write permissions on the etc\rpisurv folder?
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/usr/local/bin/rpisurv/conf/display1.yml can only be editted by the root user by default

 chown pi:pi /usr/local/bin/rpisurv/conf/display1.yml
if you want the pi user to edit this file. ( This should also solve connecting over sftp or samba with the pi user)
why does rpisurv start regularly, sometimes every 2 minutes, I did a fresh install

We can only tell if you provide us some logging from

/var/log/daemon.log and /usr/local/bin/rpisurv/logs/main.log
I know this is a very old thread, but I was playing around with an old Raspberry Pi (first-generation Model B) and I couldn't get Rpisurv to work. Looks like (GPU) memory issues.
(Even with just 1 substream)

The OP of this thread says a RPi model 2 or newer, the github page just says a Raspberry Pi.
Is the very first generation RPi that I have not supported/powerfull enough for rpisurv?
I know this is a very old thread, but I was playing around with an old Raspberry Pi (first-generation Model B) and I couldn't get Rpisurv to work. Looks like (GPU) memory issues.
(Even with just 1 substream)

The OP of this thread says a RPi model 2 or newer, the github page just says a Raspberry Pi.
Is the very first generation RPi that I have not supported/powerfull enough for rpisurv?

I didn't recall which one I used, so I booted them up and looks like I used the 2 and had the 1 as an aircraft flight monitor using an SDR module. You could try installing VLC software and see if it can stream a sub-stream...
Yeah, I think I have different problem(s). Even with stock Raspberry Pi OS, the RPi won't fully boot. Sometimes it stuck on a black screen, at the moment on a white screen (with grey RPi icons/accessoires; don't know what this screen).
SD card seems to be fine (writing OS and accessing files works fine when used with laptop SD-card reader), power supply is OK (solid red LED on RPi).
My router has given the RPi and IP-adress, however connecting to it with Putty/SSH either doesn't work or is véry slow.

I will look further into this...