Recommend me a mini-dome camera?


Young grasshopper
Dec 14, 2014
I bought an ELP camera from Alibaba, about 1"x1" for the camera mount, with a "tail" for the electronics and ethernet connection.

While it works ok, in the end the view through my screen door isn't working out well enough, so I want to mount something completely outside - above my front door.

I went with the small camera because I was hoping to make it very discrete without spending like $300 or so on a covert camera that I could mount in a (5/8"?) hole.

But it's not working out exactly as I planned so I'm thinking a POE mini-dome.

Surprisingly though, compared to the little ELP I bought, the smallest mini-domes are literally huge, like 8x the space volume.

Even though I'll be mounting it in a fairly conspicuous place, I do want to make it as "un-noticeable" as possible... I was hoping someone knew what the smallest (outdoor) mini-dome out there is?

Look at the new hikvison 4mp mini dome...see the 4mp thread in the hikvision section.
Yeah I saw that and would consider it - but really they don't seem like they are substantially smaller than the other mini-domes?
Wasn't very nice of me to not explain better why the ELP wasn't really working for me...

I was rigging this rather ingenious ( :) ) mounting scheme to place the camera between my main front door and the screen door. Lowering it from the top of the door frame by 10" or so, and peaking through the screen. Unfortunately while it works ok on a VERY bright day... It's just "ok" and I could tell it would not work at all with even less light out. I had to remove the screen from the equation, making me plan to do what most people would do... Just mount it where it can be seen.
The hikvision is pretty small...most people will not notice it...or any camera for that matter..
Well - it's going to be mounted right over my door... Essentially my door casing frame... Which is painted brown.

It's going to be pretty much in your face :)
Well - it's going to be mounted right over my door... Essentially my door casing frame... Which is painted brown.

It's going to be pretty much in your face :)
You would be surprised about how many folks dont notice...even can paint or pasti-dip/spray the cams...
Also consider offsetting the camera off to the side of the door so you can get more of the person at the door as well as see the ground to track deliveries...