reject the evidence of your eyes


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
SE Michigan USA
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984

I feel that I'm reasonably observant. I've lived out here in the country for 28 years now. This morning was a prime example of what has intensified over the last 4 or 5 years and happens at least four or five times a week. Even if you think that this is absolutely as "benign" as possible and is some simple Geo-engineering testing to lower temperature or whatever... Do your eyes really not see what my eyes see? The arrow that I've put in shows the contrail from the ONLY jet that was trackable on Flightradar24. Note the length of the contrail as it dissipated quickly. I watched each go by. I watched as the exhaust spread out turning our blue sky into a somewhat overcast sky. Do you see a difference between it's exhaust and what came out of any of the untrackable jets?

I had never thought of looking at flight trackers and compare-- interesting. I think you may need to look at several hours (3?) or more, and you would also have to take into account drift of the contrails due to winds at altitude. I don't even know where you would find what the wind speed is at any given altitude... If you have a cam you can point in this same direction or close to it, you could make a timelapse and see the movement direction and get a feel for dissipation rate, then calculate where the aircraft actually flew over...
Flightradar24 shows it in real time so you can see exactly where any trackable plane is at any given time. I don't need a time lapse camera as I can look up at the sky as many times as I want and watch the progress. I've been into astronomy since I was a kid. I watch meteor showers, satellites, etc... so I have a clue as to how and what I'm seeing. Many other people on the astronomy sites that i frequent complain about how the quality of "seeing" has dropped over the past few years (and yes, everyone hates the Starlink swarms as well)...
Different altitudes = Different atmospheric conditions (temperature, winds and humidity) = Different contrail length and dissipation rate

I hear similar to that same line parroted all the time. Here are my problems with it:

1. The jets that have those particular "contrails" never show up on Flightradar24 while the ones that make a normal (pretty short) contrail always do.
2. Those particular "contrails" don't simply dissipate, but rather they invariably spread out, connect, and make the whole sky hazy.
3. That haze tends to stick around for the whole darn day.

Shade, even partial shade, makes things cooler. So, if you're telling me that this is all simply a natural/normal thing, then I have to tell you... in regards to "Climate Change™"... we don't have a CO2 problem, we have an H2O problem (since that is what real contrails are mostly made up of).
It sounds like you're talking about why some planes are not showing up on flight tracker, there are a number of various reasons that not all planes show up there. Their site has info on it.
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I'm talking about NONE of the planes that leave the big plume of a trail showing up there.
It sounds like you're talking about why some planes are not showing up on flight tracker, there are a number of various reasons that not all planes show up there. Their site has info on it.

He's talking about the planes that don't show up are always the planes that leave the abnormal contrail that never seems to disappear and only spreads out, eventually joining with many others as pictured and covering almost the entire sky. If one is not aware, there is weather manipulation going on for a long time, some call it a 'conspiracy' on whether or not it is for the good of the Country or world. Lots of info out there if you dig far enough,
Also the term, "Conspiracy theory" was (I repeat... WAS) once used to shut people up. At this point in time, every darn "conspiracy theory" I've gone with has ultimately been shown to be a fact. At the end of the day, I don't think this one will break my record...
Also the term, "Conspiracy theory" was (I repeat... WAS) once used to shut people up. At this point in time, every darn "conspiracy theory" I've gone with has ultimately been shown to be a fact. At the end of the day, I don't think this one will break my record...

This is true. Almost all are true.

Also I might add, with the help of the Internet, and Elon buying X, more and more can be confirmed.
A lot of the planes that don't show up on flight tracker are flying at MUCH higher altitudes (direct routes) than the commercial airline routes used (and producing the contrails), much different temps/etc at the altitudes they fly at.
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When one sees the re-fuelers just remember about 10 jets are practicing drinking from the straw
for each one. The fighters usually do not turn on their trackers.
My Dad used to teach @ the F.A.A. Academy in Oklahoma City. Several times an SR-71 would fly over.
They could see him on the radar but, no data. They would banter the pilot with questions they knew
he could not or would not answer! The remarks / questions would revolve around speed and altitude.
The fun ones showing up are the TR2 and the b57 with those giant wings and engines!
They have been smashing us here also , those aircraft that do the spraying never have their Transponders turned on can never id them and never track them . Always leaves a horrible metallic taste in my mouth !

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I hear similar to that same line parroted all the time. Here are my problems with it:

1. The jets that have those particular "contrails" never show up on Flightradar24 while the ones that make a normal (pretty short) contrail always do.
2. Those particular "contrails" don't simply dissipate, but rather they invariably spread out, connect, and make the whole sky hazy.
3. That haze tends to stick around for the whole darn day.

Shade, even partial shade, makes things cooler. So, if you're telling me that this is all simply a natural/normal thing, then I have to tell you... in regards to "Climate Change™"... we don't have a CO2 problem, we have an H2O problem (since that is what real contrails are mostly made up of).
hey---- Can you snap some pics of aircraft as they leave those trails, and the corresponding screenshot of an empty flightradar screen? You've got me looking up more now... :)
Being 50 mi from Whiteman I occasionally see groups of planes and helicopters fly over, 2 or 3 up to 5 sometimes, if they actually show up on ADS-B there’s only one listed. Nothing ever shows up when a B-2 goes over though
and these days--- wouldn't any LARGE aircraft with no transponder automatically generate some air force jets scrambling? Seriously. There was a news story about the military jets protecting the skies for the SuperBowl, and any aircraft with no transponder was going to get accompanied VERY fast!
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and these days--- wouldn't any LARGE aircraft with no transponder automatically generate some air force jets scrambling? Seriously. There was a news story about the military jets protecting the skies for the SuperBowl, and any aircraft with no transponder was going to get accompanied VERY fast!
The ones I’m talking about are obviously some sort of military aircraft but I don’t know enough about them to tell what kind. Sometimes big transport types and others fighter jet style.

It amazes me when you look at that link I posted and click the U at the top just how many military aircraft are in the sky at any given moment, and those are just the ones they let us see. An unbelievable amount of fuel being burned
Check out the Mil-Air forums on Forums, lots of folk there track and listen to the Mil-Air comms. As mentioned above, you'd be surprised at what's going on up in the sky at any given moment, as far as Mil-Air goes (over the US). For example, there are what's called a "CAP" (Combat Air Patrol) that fly over where ever the president is scheduled to be. These are groups of fighters that fly around and deter aircraft from entering the restricted airspace. They literally fly around and refuel in the sky all day during good weather. You cannot normally track these fighters, as they do not have transponders on (most fighters don't unless training, normally T38's). However, most re-fueling tankers are visible on ADS-B Exchange so you can sometimes see what's going on.