Mines been hit and miss, mostly miss, since 10:04 am MDT.
And it's still a miss.
edit: I haven't seen any 500 Server Error messages for over an hour. But, the dashboard is not showing any recent plates. The last plate shown on the dash board has a timestamp of 3:01:24pm
edit2: 7:02 pm MDT 500 server errors are back
Yup. I got a backlog of plates than came in from 4 - 445pm CST. Nothing after that however. Their support opens up at 8am EST. I'm going to try and call them.
This morning, 11-02-2022 @ 12:40am, I started to get plate data downloaded, it was a few every minute (I check for plate data every minute). It appears to have caught up with real time an hour later. A vehicle that went through at 2:40am, this was downloaded successfully in real time. A vehicle went through at 4:30am but it doesn't show on the dashboard and it hasn't been downloaded.
There were only a handful of errors during the night.