Reolink Duo 2 cameras lose user accounts frequently

Jul 29, 2022
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I have 2 Reolink Duo 2 cameras that we have been using for nearly 2 years. While that are not great at night time motion capture, they have otherwise worked decent for us and the super wide FOV is just what we need. Over the past 6 months or so, that have started losing their user accounts about once per week. It always happens to both cameras at the same time. It seemed to happen mostly on Sundays and I thought I tracked it down to the weekly reboots. I turned that off for both cameras, but it's still happening. The latest event was when Windows forced an update and rebooted in the middle of the night. When I checked the next day, both cameras had lost their BlueIris user accounts. Has anyone seen this happen? I'm questioning if the is a POE problem, but the configuration hasn't changed since we set it up 2 years ago. I updated the firmware on both cameras and tried newer versions of BI. I'm stumped....