Pulling my weight
- Apr 20, 2018
- 133
- 163
I took the plunge and am trying a 2231. Ordered Monday and it arrived today, halfway around the world. Great service as usual from Andy.
I did have a heck of a time getting it configured though. I set the password, logged in and set the IP to match my LAN. When I went to log in from the LAN, nada, nothing, not even an error message. So, I took it apart and did a hard reset. That got me back in and everything went smoothly from that point.
I bought a PFA130-E to mount it with, it's going on a tree. The PFA130, itself, is really nice and has 3/4" hubs which is perfect for me since I used 3/4" liquid tight up the tree trunk. It also comes with screws to mount the camera with. The mounting holes do not go through the cover plate to maintain weatherproofing. Unfortunately the nice stainless wire on the cover plate that will hold things for you while you work is kind of pointless, other than holding the box cover itself. The 2231, or any of the turret cameras that fit, covers the mounting screws for the box cover so there is no way to pre-mount the camera and take advantage of that nice feature.
I did the same thing! But with the 4231EM-ASE. Complete w/ Camo. It was a pain to paint the thing, (requires like 8 coats to prevent chipping). But it turned out pretty good in the end.
I advise putting an expansion coupling between the top of the pipe and the camera (as shown, it's the 8 inch section below the camera) as it allows for the tree growth.