For anyone wanting to set the Day/Night schedule under customized scene, I finally found the proper api command after much trial and error.
10:00:00-16:00:00 Day"
which will set a new block in the schedule as Day time from 10 am to 4 pm in the month of January.
The first [ ] after "TimeSectionV2" is the month integer where January is 0 and so on.
The second [ ] denotes a new block on the schedule. I found they don't have to be in any order.
I noticed that you must have Night set as well in order for the camera to switch over correctly, so you need to issue these two commands as well to make it work:
00:00:00-09:59:59 Night"
10:00:01-24:00:00 Night"
Unfortunately, I had no success authenticating with the usual username : password option in the API call. If I sign on to the cam from a browser and keep it signed in before it times out, the above commands work. Othewise it doesnt work even when adding the username and password options. I guess Web5.0 is using a new authentication protocol.
I found a work around using a script that is run locally on my
BlueIris computer. I borrowed some code from around here and tweaked it to work with HomeSeer. I run the script daily and adjust the schedule according to sunrise and sunset. It works well but it is not a simple solution.
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