Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

I'll give that a try.
Yes, I have similar settings and recording to a SD Card 256g Samsung Pro Plus, U3, V30, 4K (read 180mbs/write 130mbs)
I have 4 IVS rules
I'm not recording 24/7 to SD card, event driven only.
see attached for settings.
On the Encode page, set your i-frame interval to match the frame rate. 15fps and 15 i-frame rate. And the bitrate for 15fps should be much closer to the max, like @bigredfish advised.
I actually bumped that up yesterday late afternoon to 12188 or something like that. Played with the camera for a bit but didn't see to make a difference in my case.
Now this morning when I'm trying to login, my camera takes upward of a minute to get to the first screen after L & P which is a white blank screen with the home symbol on top and Live on top. Clicking on them does nothing.
Refreshing the browser just brings me back to the login screen, and the same is repeated.
Gonna power cycle it to see if that helps.
Actually I just turned it on very recently, in the last few days, right after I had to set everything back up from scratch. So this issue has been going on for 6-9+ months and was progressively getting to the point where it became unavoidably noticeable.
The other day, as a test, I turned off all IVS rules except 1, rebooted the camera and ultimately there was no difference.
When this started, many months ago, it wasn't as bad as it's become now, so whatever the issue is, got worse over time with me not doing any changes to the camera.
In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I restored on of my backups from last year hoping that would make a difference, but it really didn't.
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And you say when it tracks it works fine, just lags when you manually move it?
Yes, it tracks fine, immediately when something crosses a tripwire for example. When I use PTZ presets manually some of them may take 5 seconds, some of them 11+ seconds and it's not always the same presets.
Just a long shot but, is the cam in the sun? Do the preset's lag ALWAYS happen every time? Or just sometimes?
Good question
Turn on the Temp reading on the display

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Last resort, take the ptz down if you can and connect it directly with the computer with a short cable and and POE injector to test if the problem still persist that way.
ugggh. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that. But, I guess I could get my laptop and connect directly with that and the power supply that came with the camera?
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I have this camera on my apple silicon Mac mini with security spy the presets take like 2 seconds before movement starts. When I call the same presets on blue iris 5 demo I'm running on windows 10 it takes various more seconds before movement happens.
When I use a browser window to login to the camera's GUI, it takes about 8 seconds for the login screen to even appear. When I enter my login info it takes anywhere from 10-15 seconds to see my initial screen. If I use the camera's gui to move to a preset or move the camera with the direction arrows, it can be 2 seconds sometimes and other times it will take 8-15 seconds.
I'll connect my laptop directly to the camera later today and see what happens then.