Warning! Go pee cause I am yappin for a while lol.
Didn't want to leave anyone hanging.
@ljw2k @Wildcat_1 has made huge improvements on my setup and it is a work in progress. It is too early for me to write a complete summary of events as we have yet to see how some of the latest adjustments will perform. I can say that I feel confident that I may have been wrong about my 49225 having hardware issues related to focus. I am not surprised as my fuse is a touch too short and even at my age need to learn more patience, especially since Wildcat has been so patient and super helpful. I feel extremely so that I need to do something nice for him even though he asks for nothing in return for his priceless time and wisdom. I at least, have started a large journal of everything I am learning. I am somewhat disappointed in myself for not being able to figure this out. To this date, aside from this PTZ, there is nothing that has defeated me in regard to accomplishing my goals. OK, enough of my hot air. In regard to my 49225XA, I had many things that were causing focus to go out. One main point is that I had too many IVS rules in one preset, my main preset in my case, we refer to it as Overwatch. When using "auto tracking", the PTZ has a lot of things to do and calculate. Having too many rules causes confusion in the camera because just as it is triggered, it starts to adjust so it can track, zoom and focus on the target. In my case, before it even has time to fine tune, another rule was tripped and it has to start again. Part of the solution was to simplify my rules. All that is needed is a basic few rules to get the ball rolling. I had 10 rules in one preset. Now I have 3. Now, the PTZ can be allowed the time to do its thing. This has worked very well. I also have a couple of objects in my view that are causing difficulty. One is a big white van, the other is a friggin tree which I would love to chop down. Regardless, Wildcat has made some adjustments which have almost eliminated the problems. One thing, and I am super curious about is how he changed the zoom of the camera at the very area of the "friggin tree" out a little so the tree doesn't take up too much of the frame and disrupt the track. It then zooms back in once the target clears the tree area. This is a really cool tactic and I am so eager to know how he did it. He said it is an adjustment, not some code to add. So that is a small summary of what is going on. I will follow up once I can contribute something useful for others and we are done making adjustments. Here is an example of what I described in regard to the friggin tree... It is subtle but it happens.
I am SUPER grateful !!!!