The outer most joist is called the "header joist" from what I can find, which seems a little confusing since it isn't really a header in the true sense. I always called it the "box end" since it forms the end of the "box" made by the joists.
For fishing up the wall, the trick is to use the natural curve of a standard electricians snake to your advantage. Working from the bottom, put it in the hole with the curve facing out so that the end stays tight against the sheathing. When you fish that out at the top, your "hook" for locating it also needs to stay tight to the sheathing while you find the fish tape end. Then, once your sure you're a little past the fish tap, give it a 180 degree turn to engage that hook around the fish tape and pull it on out. It can be a lot easier with someone working the fish tape and another person using the hook. I've done it more times than I care to admit to and worked through holes at the "top" end as small as 1/2" which is a real PITA.