Securing New Footage


Young grasshopper
Mar 18, 2020
Hey guys

I run blue irisi on a PC thats in my bedroom

I also have a 6RU switch cabinet in the garage containing which is mounted high on the garage wall and locked with key. Power is behind the cabinet so it cannot be accessed without taking off the switch cabinet which will take considerable time and effort
  • Patch panel
  • 2 POE switches
  • Cable management
  • router
  • small 2 drive bay NAS (synology DS218play)
PC is on my LAN as well as the NAS
My original idea and it was working was to store all NEW footage and stored footage to the NAS for the main purpose of being physically secure. If we were to ever get a break in. They would have a very hard time take off the switch cabinet with my NAS inside it.
The way I see it a burglar wouldnt want to waste his time bashing a switch cabinet let alone not even knowing whats in there. I think they would steam my PC more likely as its just in the study under the desk

After some blue-iris tweaking. Someone told me I shouldnt be putting NEW footage over the nework and should be storing it locally on my Blue-Iris PC. But then if I got a break in I am pretty confident theyd take the computer

I dont really have anywhere more secure to put it right now. Its a small form factor PC but still a too bulky and it wont fit at all in the switch cabinet.

What is your opinion? I mean it was working over the NAS without me noticing performance downgrade so I might change it back there untill I find another location for the NVR PC
Hey guys

I run blue irisi on a PC thats in my bedroom

I also have a 6RU switch cabinet in the garage containing which is mounted high on the garage wall and locked with key. Power is behind the cabinet so it cannot be accessed without taking off the switch cabinet which will take considerable time and effort
  • Patch panel
  • 2 POE switches
  • Cable management
  • router
  • small 2 drive bay NAS (synology DS218play)
PC is on my LAN as well as the NAS
My original idea and it was working was to store all NEW footage and stored footage to the NAS for the main purpose of being physically secure. If we were to ever get a break in. They would have a very hard time take off the switch cabinet with my NAS inside it.
The way I see it a burglar wouldnt want to waste his time bashing a switch cabinet let alone not even knowing whats in there. I think they would steam my PC more likely as its just in the study under the desk

After some blue-iris tweaking. Someone told me I shouldnt be putting NEW footage over the nework and should be storing it locally on my Blue-Iris PC. But then if I got a break in I am pretty confident theyd take the computer

I dont really have anywhere more secure to put it right now. Its a small form factor PC but still a too bulky and it wont fit at all in the switch cabinet.

What is your opinion? I mean it was working over the NAS without me noticing performance downgrade so I might change it back there untill I find another location for the NVR PC
No one is going to steal a pc particularly with an alarm blaring in the background. You can lock it down with a pc lock so it makes it more difficult to remove. You can clone your cameras and record both locally and to the nas.
No one is going to steal a pc particularly with an alarm blaring in the background. You can lock it down with a pc lock so it makes it more difficult to remove. You can clone your cameras and record both locally and to the nas.

I dont have an alarm. Crooks these days dont even care if you are home screaming for help.They will force themselves in and take your stuff. Well at least thats the current trend where I am from
I just dont want to over saturate the network because I use the network for streaming local movies from the same CCTV PC and by doing both but if I do both isnt that a bit pointless? May as well just record to the NAS .
I dont have an alarm. Crooks these days dont even care if you are home screaming for help.They will force themselves in and take your stuff. Well at least thats the current trend where I am from
I just dont want to over saturate the network because I use the network for streaming local movies from the same CCTV PC and by doing both but if I do both isnt that a bit pointless? May as well just record to the NAS .
Crooks do care about alarms. There are many youtube videos that prove this. Most just leave. The ones who dont will do a much quicker job leaving. You can install a basic system for under 200 bux from ring. You can self monitor for free or you can get a monitoring for 8-10 bux a month. Well worth it. While response times vary, recently, my receptionist tripped the alarm - its usually off because one of the secretaries get there before her. Police response was 5 min.
Its not pointless to record to both, you will find that local storage is much more reliable. Try if for a length of time. Murphy will bite you when you least expect it. You cant over-saturate a gigabit network with your home cams.
Just move the PC to the garage, it just needs a single lan point which shouldn’t be that difficult to wire if your cabinet is the centre point.
Just move the PC to the garage, it just needs a single lan point which shouldn’t be that difficult to wire if your cabinet is the centre point.

Yeh I know but it wont be very secure if I just sit it on top of a shelf. But Could do that later if I make more shevling which I plan to do so. Just havent had the time
Crooks do care about alarms. There are many youtube videos that prove this. Most just leave. The ones who dont will do a much quicker job leaving. You can install a basic system for under 200 bux from ring. You can self monitor for free or you can get a monitoring for 8-10 bux a month. Well worth it. While response times vary, recently, my receptionist tripped the alarm - its usually off because one of the secretaries get there before her. Police response was 5 min.
Its not pointless to record to both, you will find that local storage is much more reliable. Try if for a length of time. Murphy will bite you when you least expect it. You cant over-saturate a gigabit network with your home cams.

Yeh the ones that rob your house when you are not home. Google the term "home invasion" in Australia. This is a new trend for the last 5 years in Victoria and NSW in Australia that has ever been on the increase where these thugs want you to be home when they rob , assault you and damage your property. You will see so many media reports and they are always done by the same kind of backgrounds here. They've even been protests here by the public to make the government do more about stopping it

And thanks ill do both and see how it runs.
Yeh the ones that rob your house when you are not home. Google the term "home invasion" in Australia. This is a new trend for the last 5 years in Victoria and NSW in Australia that has ever been on the increase where these thugs want you to be home when they rob , assault you and damage your property. You will see so many media reports and they are always done by the same kind of backgrounds here. They've even been protests here by the public to make the government do more about stopping it

And thanks ill do both and see how it runs.

I understand precisely where you are coming from and you are not wrong in your assessment regarding recent criminal trends in our area.

I understand your central setup is in your garage, could you consider running an ethernet cable to a hidden cupboard or out of sight location and at that location have your NAS. God forbid something actually happens but at least maybe the NAS would be intact. As per a previous thread, I'm in the process of building a house and I've earmarked an out of sight location with a couple of ethernet points and power, keeping my options open.

I know this doesn't address your issue of where to store new footage. If storing new footage locally, maybe consider automatic backup software, though I'm not sure about performance issues if the backup software is running in real-time. It's more or less trial and error. Just some food for thought.
If your home is invaded, you will likely need two copies of your footage right? One that the villains can force you to delete, and another secreted archive.

My tip for today: keep a large dry-chem fire extinguisher in your bedroom and near the front door.

Cheers, Steve
I also have a 6RU switch cabinet
I have a 16RU cabinet mounted in my garage too where all the houses network cable routes to. Used to have my NBN modem, USG router, POE switch etc.. all in there. The heat of Australian summers was causing problems.
Not only is it just hot outside, but then inside a hot garage, then inside a hot rack etc..
I didnt realize until I moved my gear, but bugs were also being attracted to the lights and then dying in the hardware.
I ended up moving it into my office and having a switch there for devices, and a dumb switch out in the garage that can tolerate high heat (since all the houses network cable/patch panels were still there).
Yeh the ones that rob your house when you are not home. Google the term "home invasion" in Australia. This is a new trend for the last 5 years in Victoria and NSW in Australia that has ever been on the increase where these thugs want you to be home when they rob , assault you and damage your property. You will see so many media reports and they are always done by the same kind of backgrounds here. They've even been protests here by the public to make the government do more about stopping it

And thanks ill do both and see how it runs.

If that’s the case are you not able to arm yourself to defend against this trend?
If that’s the case are you not able to arm yourself to defend against this trend?
Australia is extremely limited in what weapons you can have for self defense. You are not allowed both lethal and non-lethal weapons for self defense (so no pepper spray/tasers).
Not even allowed a bullet proof vest in NSW.
You are allowed to own a gun with a license, but self defense is not a valid reason (legally) to own one.
Keeping a baseball bat and a catchers mitt around though might work.
Australia is extremely limited in what weapons you can have for self defense. You are not allowed both lethal and non-lethal weapons for self defense (so no pepper spray/tasers).
Not even allowed a bullet proof vest in NSW.
You are allowed to own a gun with a license, but self defense is not a valid reason (legally) to own one.
Keeping a baseball bat and a catchers mitt around though might work.
Agree. No one plays baseball in Australia, well, it's not a mainstream sport, but quite a few of us have baseball bats. Go figure.
Australia is extremely limited in what weapons you can have for self defense. You are not allowed both lethal and non-lethal weapons for self defense (so no pepper spray/tasers).
Not even allowed a bullet proof vest in NSW.
You are allowed to own a gun with a license, but self defense is not a valid reason (legally) to own one.
Keeping a baseball bat and a catchers mitt around though might work.

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I actually have a basball bat and riot sheild incase this happens lol
Might need the proof to tell the judge I was using it in self defence. Here in Australia the crims get slaps on their wrists