Thanks to the current WH Admin, we're all seeing prices go up and on items that appear outwardly to not have increased much but are, in fact, very deceptive. The manufacturers think we're all idiots (but some of us are) and instead of increasing the price, or in conjunction with it, they just decrease the quantity of product in the package. I heard others call it "shrink-flation" or the like.
I've noticed quite a few in the last year but only lately decided to start taking before and after pictures, thinking it would be interesting, and maybe a little fun, to see what others have noted. Below is an example of dishwasher pods that didn't increase its price much since my last purchase but decreased the quantity from 27 to 21, just enough so maybe I would not notice. They were wrong, it's a 24% decrease in quantity which correlates to the same percentage increase in price.

I've noticed quite a few in the last year but only lately decided to start taking before and after pictures, thinking it would be interesting, and maybe a little fun, to see what others have noted. Below is an example of dishwasher pods that didn't increase its price much since my last purchase but decreased the quantity from 27 to 21, just enough so maybe I would not notice. They were wrong, it's a 24% decrease in quantity which correlates to the same percentage increase in price.

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