Since I installed Blue Iris entire PC is hanging/freezing 2 times a day.

Please provide a screen shots. full frame (use windows 10 snip & sketch tool)
1) windows task manager process tab sorted by memory (most at the top),
2) windows task manager preformance, GPU
3) Blue Iris Setting about tab
4) Blue iris status (lighting bolt graph) clip storage
5) blue Iris status cameras
camera resolution is HD, cpu varies from 45 to 100%. , memory usage is steady. BTW I made some changes in the BIO's, so far it has been holding for about 5 hours and CPU usage now peaks at 85% and has not froze.
Does the event viewer not have anything, look for any references for a hung or stopped process? I’d also try increasing the RAM if you have another stick handy to see if it makes a difference?
0 4/4/2020 5:47:03 PM New Move: nothing to do [164/168 hrs, 4.45G/10.0G, 72.3G free]
0 4/4/2020 5:47:03 PM Stored Delete: nothing to do [298/336 hrs, 4.10G/20.0G, 72.3G free]
3 4/4/2020 5:51:32 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:51:45 PM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:52:05 PM Cam7 MOTION
0 4/4/2020 5:52:12 PM New Move: nothing to do [164/168 hrs, 4.46G/10.0G, 72.3G free]
0 4/4/2020 5:52:12 PM Stored Delete: nothing to do [298/336 hrs, 4.10G/20.0G, 72.3G free]
3 4/4/2020 5:53:11 PM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:53:52 PM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:54:00 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:55:45 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:55:50 PM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:56:59 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:57:10 PM Cam7 MOTION
0 4/4/2020 5:57:20 PM New Move: nothing to do [164/168 hrs, 4.50G/10.0G, 72.3G free]
0 4/4/2020 5:57:20 PM Stored Delete: nothing to do [298/336 hrs, 4.10G/20.0G, 72.3G free]
3 4/4/2020 5:57:21 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:58:00 PM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:58:17 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:58:30 PM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 5:58:36 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 6:00:25 PM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 6:01:28 PM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/4/2020 6:02:06 PM Cam7 MOTION
0 4/4/2020 6:02:28 PM New Move: nothing to do [164/168 hrs, 4.55G/10.0G, 72.2G free]
0 4/4/2020 6:02:28 PM Stored Delete: nothing to do [298/336 hrs, 4.10G/20.0G, 72.2G free]
1 4/4/2020 6:02:29 PM Cam5 Signal: network retry
1 4/4/2020 6:02:29 PM Cam5 Signal: I/O error: 0
4 4/4/2020 6:02:34 PM Cam5 Signal: restored
3 4/4/2020 6:04:45 PM Cam2 MOTION
2 4/5/2020 8:47:09 AM App Restarted after unexpected shutdown (501/6)
1 4/5/2020 8:47:09 AM App Service is running as LocalSystem; see Administration in Help
0 4/5/2020 8:47:09 AM Server Started on port 81
0 4/5/2020 8:47:10 AM New Move: 2 files 121.1M [179/168 hrs, 4.56G/10.0G, 72.2G free]
0 4/5/2020 8:47:10 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.2G free]
4 4/5/2020 8:47:11 AM Clips C:: 81, 8.67G/31.0G (+51.1G)
0 4/5/2020 8:47:11 AM App Current schedule: Default
0 4/5/2020 8:47:11 AM App Today's sunrise: 5:13 AM, sunset: 6:01 PM
1 4/5/2020 8:47:21 AM Cam7 Signal: HTTP: 12002 Timeout
1 4/5/2020 8:47:40 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:48:10 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:48:23 AM Cam7 Signal: HTTP: 12002 Timeout
1 4/5/2020 8:48:40 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:49:03 AM Cam7 Signal: Failed to connect
3 4/5/2020 8:49:08 AM Cam2 MOTION
1 4/5/2020 8:49:10 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:49:40 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:50:03 AM Cam7 Signal: Failed to connect
1 4/5/2020 8:50:10 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:50:40 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
1 4/5/2020 8:51:10 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
4 4/5/2020 8:51:14 AM Cam7 Signal: restored
0 4/5/2020 8:52:12 AM New Move: nothing to do [166/168 hrs, 4.45G/10.0G, 72.2G free]
0 4/5/2020 8:52:12 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.2G free]
3 4/5/2020 8:52:50 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:53:26 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:53:56 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:55:03 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:55:15 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:55:32 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:55:50 AM Cam7 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 8:57:14 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.50G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 8:57:14 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
3 4/5/2020 8:57:20 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:59:16 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:59:27 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 8:59:56 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:00:45 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:00:46 AM Cam5 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:01:07 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:02:16 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.54G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:02:16 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:06:37 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:07:17 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.55G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:07:17 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:12:18 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.55G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:12:18 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:17:02 AM Cam5 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:17:03 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:17:20 AM Cam5 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:17:20 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.56G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:17:20 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:17:23 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:17:54 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:19:06 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:21:16 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:21:27 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:21:40 AM Cam7 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:22:22 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.61G/10.0G, 72.1G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:22:22 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.1G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:22:54 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:23:04 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:23:26 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:27:23 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.63G/10.0G, 72.0G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:27:23 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.0G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:31:05 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:32:24 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.64G/10.0G, 72.0G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:32:24 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.0G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:32:45 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:33:08 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:35:51 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:36:15 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:36:24 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:36:35 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:36:51 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:37:03 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:37:26 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.67G/10.0G, 72.0G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:37:26 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 72.0G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:37:30 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:37:44 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:37:56 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:38:17 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:38:23 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:38:33 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:38:42 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:38:55 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:39:03 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:39:23 AM Cam7 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:40:04 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:40:16 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:42:28 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.72G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:42:28 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [313/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:47:29 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.72G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:47:29 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:48:10 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:52:30 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.73G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:52:30 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.22G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:52:57 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:54:18 AM Cam2 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:55:23 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:55:47 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:57:04 AM Cam3 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:57:32 AM Cam3 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 9:57:32 AM New Move: 1 files 86.9M [168/168 hrs, 4.75G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 9:57:32 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.31G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
3 4/5/2020 9:58:05 AM Cam3 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 9:59:35 AM Cam3 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 10:01:44 AM Cam3 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 10:02:34 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.70G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 10:02:34 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.31G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
3 4/5/2020 10:02:45 AM Cam3 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 10:04:03 AM Cam3 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 10:04:29 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 10:04:42 AM Cam4 MOTION
3 4/5/2020 10:04:58 AM Cam2 MOTION
0 4/5/2020 10:07:35 AM New Move: 1 files 296.2M [168/168 hrs, 4.73G/10.0G, 71.9G free]
0 4/5/2020 10:07:35 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.59G/20.0G, 71.9G free]
10 4/5/2020 10:11:13 AM local_console Login
0 4/5/2020 10:11:13 AM App Console: connected 1
0 4/5/2020 10:11:48 AM App Console: disconnected
10 4/5/2020 10:11:50 AM local_console Logout, 0:37
0 4/5/2020 10:12:46 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.44G/10.0G, 71.8G free]
0 4/5/2020 10:12:46 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.59G/20.0G, 71.8G free]
10 4/5/2020 10:15:08 AM local_console Login
0 4/5/2020 10:15:08 AM App Console: connected 1
0 4/5/2020 10:18:14 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.44G/10.0G, 71.8G free]
0 4/5/2020 10:18:14 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.59G/20.0G, 71.8G free]
2 4/5/2020 10:20:29 AM App Restarted after unexpected shutdown (501/6)
1 4/5/2020 10:20:29 AM App Service is running as LocalSystem; see Administration in Help
0 4/5/2020 10:20:29 AM Server Started on port 81
0 4/5/2020 10:20:31 AM New Move: nothing to do [167/168 hrs, 4.44G/10.0G, 71.8G free]
0 4/5/2020 10:20:31 AM Stored Delete: nothing to do [314/336 hrs, 4.59G/20.0G, 71.8G free]
4 4/5/2020 10:20:31 AM Clips C:: 86, 9.04G/31.0G (+49.8G)
0 4/5/2020 10:20:31 AM App Current schedule: Default
0 4/5/2020 10:20:31 AM App Today's sunrise: 5:13 AM, sunset: 6:01 PM
1 4/5/2020 10:20:41 AM Cam7 Signal: HTTP: 12002 Timeout
1 4/5/2020 10:21:00 AM Cam7 Signal: network retry
4 4/5/2020 10:21:03 AM Cam7 Signal: restored

Make sure that the disk defragmenter is turned off,
Make sure that the virus scanner is turned off of all BI folders.
I personally have never seen a modern BI set up with only 10 GB allocated to storage.

What does the windows event log show for errors when BI stops.
Are you using wifi cameras ?
recommend remove the cover of the NUC it may be overheating, NUC are not designed to run 20/7 under load.

Please provide a screen shots. full frame (use windows 10 snip & sketch tool)
1) windows task manager process tab sorted by memory (most at the top),
2) windows task manager performance, GPU
4) Blue iris status (lighting bolt graph) clip storage
5) blue Iris status cameras
6) Blue iris settings clips and archiving tab , for the NEW folder, stored folder, alerts folder. (three screen shots)
7) on two of the camera properties the record tab.
I have same issues with a nic7i7 nominal load 20-30% 10 dahua 10 fps and sub streams setup.

i had these issues randomly but since substreams almost once a day. Yes i know its stil not stable. Added extra cooling block + fan

it just freezes nothing in evntcenter and on the 4664 driver as adviced