Same for me like mentioned above.Same issue for me as well. In addition, attempting to make clips crashes the app.
Dahu, what about male / save clips. I think that is the one of the main features in the app?
Same for me like mentioned above.Same issue for me as well. In addition, attempting to make clips crashes the app.
Today i asked dahua, the official one will be released on Black Friday Day! When i get it, i will post here shortly.
It doesn't require a NVR; like you said, you can use it directly with your cameras to view them live and change some settings. As long as the cameras support ONVIF (and you know the port numbers and what not), it can connect to many non-Dahua cameras too. Unless there's something new with this version of SmartPSS, it doesn't give the ability to record your cameras on your Mac.Hi, maybe a dumb question since I am not familiar with smatpss but does it require you to have an nvr or can you use it directly with Dahua cameras to view or record to my i mac?
Is it possible to get a list of the changes made in the betas? I think it would be helpful to be able to report the problems that we are seeing and to confirm whether or not the latest changes are working. Thanks!!![]()
Dahua Smart Pss (Mac OS x)
we got third BETA.
who want download, use google chrome to translate web site and
use this auth data:
login: 0443620331
password: 123456
I've not grabbed the beta(s) yet. But have a question about features to those who have: does this new SmartPSS support intrusion detection configuration? The 32-bit version didn't, and I always had to configure that stuff in a browser...which requires a plugin, which means "not on Catalina". I would hope Dahua would realize this, and fold that ability into the new SmartPSS for MacOS. Otherwise, I'm reduced to bringing up a Windows VM and doing all the setup there.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Thanks will give it a try.
Hello. I download the Beta 3 app for osx Catalina.
The best feature is that now playback looks good.
However the app is very slow, on my MacBook Pro 15 quad core i7 16gb ram and 4 gb ram video dedicated it runs very slow.
During playback fans turn on and they are very noisy. (the 32 bit version wasn't as slow as this beta and fans didn't' run as the 64 bit version)
Other functions look good. PTZ function looks better.
good job I hope for next update.
Quite honestly, the biggest problem with the beta (and this held true for the 32-bit version as well) is the lack of a responsive user interface. Whatever software technique is being used to monitor for clicks or other user input needs to be optimized! It's painfully slow. I know that this app is being written for multiple platforms, but the version for each platform needs to be optimized for that platform. With all of that said, the developer is making progress and that's great. Keep up the good work. All of us looking for a great 64-bit app are pulling hard for you to get it working. We appreciate all of your hard work.Same for me. It is very heavy software. Optimization should be better. Otherwise it is good.
After exiting the program mine also crashes.I downloaded the beta 3 first which seemed to work ok, but now after downloading tis version, it crashes when I quit the program. Any ideas?
The new version of macOS (10.15, Catalina) comes out in a few days and will no longer support 32-bit apps. The most recent version of SmartPSS I've been able to find is DH_SmartPSS_Eng_Mac_IS_V2.00.0.R.20180507_CodeSign. Unfortunately this is still a 32-bit only app, meaning it won't work for the majority of Mac users who will upgrade in the coming days.
Is there any indication that Dahua is working on a 64-bit build for Mac?
Are there similar apps that I should consider switching to?